Indoor walleye startup searches for a home in Minnesota as the state revamps its aquaculture plan

In the world of innovative food production, Blue Water Farms in Minnesota is wrestling with the challenges of launching the nation’s first commercial indoor walleye farm. While initial plans in Red Wing didn’t pan out due to unforeseen issues, the startup is forging ahead with new partnerships and locations. They’ve linked arms with experts in

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How old are the Walleye in Lake Sakakawea? And what can we learn from knowing?

Have you wondered how old the fish are in Lake Sakakwea? Would you like to know why it matters? If so, Mike Anderson with North Dakota Game & Fish has you covered. The video below gives you a quick primer on how biologists determine fish age and how the knowledge helps us manage our fisheries.

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Walleye Stock & Walleye Lakes on the Rise in North Dakota

From prairie pothole to fishing hole, that’s goal of the North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s walleye seeding program. The young fish, more than 10 million of them, are on the move this week finding their way into more than a 140 lakes across the state.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune