MHA Nation Chairman releases Statement on Future Working with Secretary of Interior Burgum

Former North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum has stepped into a significant role as Secretary of the Interior and head of the National Energy Council, following confirmation by President Trump. In response, MHA Nation Chairman Mark Fox released the following statement: In my role as chairman, my top priority is to pursue opportunities for the prosperity

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Public Comment on Minot Joining the Dakota Access Amicus Brief

Government — at the local, state, and federal levels — works best when those making decisions on issues hear from those who are impacted. And at a Special City Council meeting today,  the City of Minot through possible action of the Council may weigh in and speak up the ladder — into the federal court

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Theodore Roosevelt National Park holds bison roundup in South Unit

The bison in Teddy Roosevelt National Park are a major attraction, but because the park is limited in size and fenced, it’s not able to support a bison population of unlimited size. That means bison management practices are required from time to time, and this fall is one of those occasions. Many of the animals

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‘Neither Wolf Nor Dog’ to Opens in Bismarck

An independent film featuring the great plains as a setting and a colorful, well-storied Native American as the main character is opening in Bismarck. The movie titled ‘Neither Wolf Nor Dog’ is born from a 1994 novel by Minnesota writer Ken Nerburn. Here’s hoping we get a showing in Minot.

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Protest Camp Clean Up Underway

After months of occupation, the protest camps that have been home to as many as thousands of anti-Dakota Access Pipeline protesters are finally being cleaned up. Protesters remain, but the Standing Rock Tribe hopes to have the camps completely cleaned prior to spring flood waters which are anticipated.

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Congressman Cramer on the Dakota Access Easement Ruling

Congressman Cramer weighs in with an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal. He lays out the facts of the issue and lays the lawless outcome directly on the shoulders of President Obama.

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Blocking Supplies To Pipeline Protesters Would Be ‘Huge Mistake,’ N.D. Governor Says

There are no plans to forcibly remove protesters; there are no plans to block supplies into the camps. And it is unclear what — if anything — will change after the Corp imposed December 5 deadline passes. Get the story from NPR News.

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Whatever Else Comes From the #NoDAPL Protests, Let’s Get North Dakota Cops Some Body Cameras

Rob Port at Say Anything Blog offers up two important conversation points in this article, one of them unintentionally. First, the protest actions have exposed the need for police to be using body cameras, so we should figure out how to get that done. And second — and though not explicitly stated — it’s time

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#NoDAPL: Governor orders evacuation of protest site, but no forcible removals planned

William Yardley of the L.A. Times gets the story right, and his editor got the headline right too. Not all national media and journalism is biased and this is a great example. Read the full article for yesterday’s developments in the #NoDAPL fiasco by following the ‘source’ link above.

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While One Tribe Fights Oil, Another Cautiously Embraces It

While one tribe fights relentlessly against the pipline, another stands to gain tremendously from it and the quick path to market for the oil produced there. The MHA Nation finds itself in a unique position in the debate over the Dakota Access Pipeline; Amy Sisk with Inside Energy has the story.

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ELCA and Western North Dakota Synod Weigh in on #NoDAPL Protest

At its core, most simple level, the #NoDAPL protest is about a pipeline. But one of the reasons it has garnered so much support — especially nationally — is because the situation is viewed as an opportunity to right past wrongs, or at least an opportunity to learn from those past wrongs and do better

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Life in #NoDAPL Camp: Tensions exist among protesters with different agendas

The first in today’s news feed stories about life in the #NoDAPL protest camps. Rob Port with Say Anything Blog provides some perspective on tensions among protesters with genuine motives for the Tribe and those that have picked up the effort as their cause of the day. Mr. Port’s description of the situation is considerably

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How The Dakota Pipeline Fight Is Digging in For a Brutal Winter

Whatever your thoughts on the protest taking place over the Dakota Access pipeline, the reality is a large number of protesters have stated they’re going to tough it out through the North Dakota winter. And it has officially arrived. The past few weeks, many members of the camps were busy with fortifying themselves and the

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Daily Update: The Latest #NoDAPL Coverage from around the state

The Dakota Access Pipeline protest continues to be the dominant story in North Dakota news. The situation is evolving on both sides of the concrete barrier blocking the backwater bridge. Here’s the latest coverage from our local media sources. Concrete Barriers Added at the Backwater Bridge | Bismarck Tribune Jessica Holdman has the story on

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For Standing Rock Sioux, new water system may reduce oil leak risk

One of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s initial arguments against the Dakota Access Pipeline was its proximity to the reservations water intake structure, but as of the new year, water for the reservation communities will be pulled from a new location more than 70 miles downstream of the pipeline. Ernest Scheyder with Reuters has the

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Burial ground at center of police confrontations is known historical site

Protest activities over the past few weeks have drawn very specific allegations regarding law enforcement activity on what protestors allege is a tribal burial ground. Bismarck Tribune reporter Caroline Grueskin digs in deep to get a full perspective. This is a great example of the fact that journalism is alive and well in North Dakota.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune