Cramer: Happy in the House, not ruling out the Cabinet

Congressman Cramer was an early and vocal supporter of Donald Trump and as the campaign progressed, he became a key advisor on Mr. Trump’s energy platform. And that history has now led to rumors about a Cabinet appointment in Mr. Trump’s administration.  

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Record number of ballots cast Tuesday in North Dakota

If there’s one thing that can be said about an election between two intensely dislike candidates, it’s that it really turned out the voters. Tuesday’s election set  a record in North Dakota.

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Keep an Eye Out for Feral Pigs and Report Them Immediately

As thousands of deer hunters fan out across the state over the 16.5-day deer gun season, many others who didn’t draw a license will enjoy some duck and goose hunting before the waters lock up with ice. Pheasant season will continue to provide more field time, along with archery deer hunters too. The North Dakota

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‘Justice was not served’: Some want gap in ND sex-crime laws fixed

Cases of sexual assault and how they’re handled within the criminal justice system is evolving. On the national scale, we’ve seen our social media feeds calling for harsher penalties, but here in North Dakota, victims advocacy groups are once again bringing the issue before the legislature.

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Kirsten Baesler: A Vision for North Dakota’s Schools

North Dakota’s Superintendant of School’s provides a brief update on the state’s progress with the Every Student Succeeds Act. As a result of the legislation, the expectation is for more local control and less emphasis on academic standards and testing.

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Other Perspectives from Standing Rock

Not all members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe are in agreement over the #NoDAPL protest. CNN Reporter Jessica Ravitz went deeper into the reservation to gather thoughts on the protest from those not participating. What she found is worth reading.

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US rig count up 4 this week to 557; North Dakota gains 5

There’s no clearer indication of optimism in the oil market than rig count. Industry experts agree we’ll never get back to the numbers we saw at the peak of the boom because of continued gains in efficiency, but any news of growth is a welcome sign. The original story was published by the Associated Press.

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Congressional Report Issues Strong Position on Administration Handling of WOTUS Rule

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform issued a report this past Thursday on the Waters of the U.S. Rule. The report was critical of administrative procedures in crafting the rule among other things. Following it’s release, Congressman Cramer issued the following statement. “This oversight report is further evidence the Waters of the U.S.

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Farmers Especially: Watch Out for This Weed

The North Dakota Department of Agriculture and North Dakota State University Extension Service advise farmers to scout new conservation plantings for Palmer amaranth, a very aggressive weed that has plagued cropland production in the South and Midwest. Palmer amaranth is a type of pigweed that has devastated crops in many states. In some areas, herbicide

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Standing Rock Struggling with Winter Protest Camp Logistics, Economic Losses

The economics and logistics of maintaining a 1,000 person protest camp near Cannon Ball are daunting. Members of the Standing Rock tribe discussed the issues Thursday including the loss of a $1,000,000 in revenue at Prairie Knights Casino due to access difficulty for patrons.

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#NoDAPL Protester Arrested for Firing a Weapon at Police

A #NoDAPL protestor was arrested yesterday for pulling a revolver and firing it at police officers at the scene. No one was injured in this incident, but there was another firearms incident with an injury not involving law enforcement. All told, there were more than 130 arrests yesterday. Rob Port has the story.

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ND student scores rank in top five in national science exam

North Dakota fourth and eighth graders scored in the top five when compared to other states in a national science exam. Comprehensive statistics can be viewed by visiting the National Center for Education Statistics website:

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Professor: UND’s mission change needs Legislature’s review

UND’s President Mark Kennedy has been on the job for only a few months, but he’s already moving to leave his mark. Up for debate is the core mission, and according to one professor, the President is inappropriately narrowing the focus of the UND’s primary purposes.

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Burgum sets sights on downtowns in governor’s race

In the final weeks before the election, Republican candidate Doug Burgum is rolling out his vision for North Dakota’s main streets. Patrick Springer writing for the Forum on the Governor’s race including comments from Democratic candidate Marvin Nelson.

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Mark Ruffalo Visits Protest Camps, Chimes in on #NoDAPL

The protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline had a notable advocate in North Dakota Tuesday. Actor Mark Ruffalo addressed a crowded room of supporters at Prairie Knights Casino on the bigger protest message that we need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

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UND Study Indicates Crime & Domestic Violence Increases Not Simply Population Based

We’re all aware that Western  North Dakota has changed over the past 10 years, and not always for the positive. One trend that has brought much discussion is increasing crime and domestic violence. Now, a recently published study out of UND indicates those increases are simply because of population growth. KX News has more on

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