The Fruits of Democrats’ Soul Searching – There Are None

For all of the soul searching that came out of their losses at the polls in November, the Democrats haven’t really changed, and they won’t. Even when they can see that they’ve lost the working class. Democrats’ claim to fame has always been as champions of the downtrodden, saviors to the victims of oppression. When

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On This Day | Done Carrying Democratic Water

The Fairmount News, which has been a democratic newspaper for the last twenty years, announces that is "through with the party and that henceforth any propaganda the democrats may require through its columns must

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Vogel bows out of N.D. governor’s race

With the announcement former Ag Commissioner Sara Vogel will not be running for Governor on the Democratic ticket, it seems more likely that the race for the state’s top office will be decided at the June primary election.

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Politics: Oversen Steps into New Role as State Party Chairwoman

The appointment of Kylie Oversen as the new Chairwoman of the North Dakota Demorcratic Party earlier this year led to a few raised eyebrows — at 26, she is a somewhat younger-than-usual choice. But it’s a signal that North Dakota Democrats see need for a new direction.

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Kylie Oversen Selected as North Dakota’s new Democratic chairwoman | Grand Forks Herald

Grand Forks Represent Kylie Oversen has been selected as North Dakota’s Democratic Chairwoman. The selection has drawn extra attention because Oversen is in her first term as a legislator and is only 26 years old.  

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald

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