State will provide $20M to expedite railroad underpass project at UND in Grand Forks

BISMARCK, N.D. – The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) will provide $20 million in state funding to expedite the completion of a long-planned railroad underpass project near the University of North Dakota campus, Gov. Kelly Armstrong announced today in a meeting with Grand Forks officials in Bismarck. The project will enhance traffic flow and

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It’s time to start removing highways. (And why it matters in Minot)

Highways, the concrete rivers we’ve navigated for decades, are now under a critical eye. In cities across America, there’s a growing buzz about tearing them down—not as a wild notion but as a means to breathe life into urban spaces once split by sprawling lanes. Take Rochester, New York: their highway removal efforts reconnected communities,

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ND DOT’s ControlSaltDelete to Patrol the Minot Region

Who says government can’t have a little fun? The North Dakota DOT has made an annual tradition of letting citizens around the state come up with creative names for the DOT snow plows that patrol our regional roads and highways. It’s both fun, and serves a secondary purpose of raising public awareness around the work

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ND DOT Launches DUI Crash Victim Memorial Website

The North Dakota Department of Transporation has launched an awareness initiative focused on the people and lives that have been changed in an instant on North Dakota roads. The message is simple and strong: slow down, put your phone away, buckle up, and don’t drink and drive. Visit the ND Code for The Road Website

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Q&A: DOT Director on ND Summer Infrastructure Projects

  This past legislative session saw a billion dollar surge bill intended help the western part of the state catch up with oil development growth. A big part of that bill was earmarked to the DOT. Here’s a quick Q & A on some of the projects.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bakken Magazine

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Quick Action Being Taken on Oil Patch Highways to Prevent Accidents

In response to a number of recent fatal accidents in the oil patch,  the Department of Transportation will act quickly to add interim traffic lights in several locations on both U.S. Highway 85 and state Highway 23.  Get details from the Dickinson Press.

Read & Share   sourced from: Dickinson Press