NDSU Cuts $6.4 Million With Single Line Item

The State’s budget shortfall means every department has to roll back 4.05%, and they have until Wednesday to submit their plan. NDSU submitted their plans for reducing spending with a single line item reduction of $6.4 million in ‘operating expenses’.

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NDSU athletic department wants more student funding through activity fees

An advisory committee is suggesting NDSU students shoulder more expense for the athletic department operations. Jeff Kolpack with the Fargo Forum has the story.

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NDSU Trial Program Uses Horses to Help Veterans

Equine therapy is not a new concept, but it is a new program that NDSU will be trying. In particular, the program has been set-up to assist veterans with PTSD and other traumatic injuries. Learn more from the Grand Forks Herald.

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Commentary: Is NDSU President Misleading Students with 4-Year Graduation Expectation?

In today’s commentary on the University System, Mr. Port takes exception to NDSU President Brescani’s intimation that incoming students will graduate in four years — a statement that is not backed by recent statistics.

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NDSU Foundation Head Sought $600,000 in Severance

Information uncovered through an Attorney General opinion reveals just how good a job not working for the NDSU foundation really is. In the end, a now former employee was fired for cause and paid a 4-month $104,000 severance package.

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ND Attorney General: NDSU Foundation Broke Open Meetings Law

The NDSU Development Foundation is having trouble staying on the right side of the law when it comes to making their business open and available to the public.

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NDSU Begins $1.7 Million Library Renovation

  A significant renovation is getting underway in NDSU’s library and will be ongoing for the next five months. The renovation will include compliance changes for the Americans with Disabilities Act and improve library operations. The last renovation was in 1980.

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NDSU Grad Student Distills Three Years Work into Three Minutes

How do you put three years of work into 180 seconds? A nursing student from NDSU did it best and it earned her $1,000 dollars. Occasionally we get the idea that more is better, this proves that wrong.

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NDSU Releases Two-rowed Barley Variety

— Official News Release, NDSU Extension Services — ND Genesis seems adapted to all parts of North Dakota and adjacent areas of Minnesota, Montana and South Dakota. The North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station has released ND Genesis, a two-rowed barley line, according to Rich Horsley, North Dakota State University Department of Plant Sciences chair. “The

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North Dakota State Bison Fans Deserve to Hear this (Because they Probably Can’t Read)

If you didn’t catch the “What’s Bugging Andy” segments last fall after the Bison football team won in Iowa then here is your chance to catch up. But don’t take him too seriously, he’s after a laugh and he’s willing to point the finger at Iowa too.

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NDSU President Bresciani Chaufeurred to Many Events

Though the official title for the position is ‘Captain of Special Project Operations’, records obtained by the Fargo Forum indicate it may be more of a driving service for the N.D.S.U. President.

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Board of Education Accepts Higher Admission Standards for NDSU and UND

If you want to attend either U.N.D. or N.D.S.U., the admissions standards are going up. Minimum G.P.A. will go up to 2.75, and the minimum ACT score will be 22. In addition, the number of core courses required will scale up incrementally over the next three years.

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