Bill seeks to allow edible marijuana for medical purposes

For North Dakota’s medical cannabis patients, a new debate is unfolding at the Capitol—one that could bring edibles into the mix. Representative Steve Vetter’s bill, which cleared the House with strong support, argues that edibles offer a safer, longer-lasting alternative to smoking. But with a similar Senate bill proposing stricter dosage limits, lawmakers are weighing

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North Dakota lawmakers backing medical marijuana edibles hope Legislature bites on bills

Legislators from Grand Forks and Dickinson have sponsored two separate bills (HB 1202 and HB 1164) with the same goal of making medical marijuana doses available in edible form. Currently, state law only allows for dried marijuana leaves and flowers, or THC products such as concentrates, tinctures, capsules, transdermal patches, and lotions. Get the full

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Bill would increase THC purchase limit for North Dakota medical marijuana patients

North Dakota’s regulation of medical marijuana is among the most strict across states that have legalized marijuana in one form or another. To loosen the law up a bit, Senator Kristen Roers, R-Fargo, sponsored a bill to increase the amount of active THC patients can purchase that will also allow for more consistent doses and

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Department of Health to open medical marijuana dispensary applications next week

The long road to medical marijuana may be drawing to an end, but for Minot, the wait will be longer. The Department of Health will begin accepting applications for local dispensaries starting July 10, but only for the Bismarck and Fargo regions. Applications for the Minot region are expected to open until 2019. The Bismarck

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State sees lots of interest in business side of medical marijuana industry

The response could be described as a lot of interest. Earlier in July, the ND Department of Health asked for a letter of intent for parties interested in participating in the business side of the state’s medical marijuana industry. That request drew letters from 97 different parties. The formal application process is expected to open

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State’s marijuana measure creates uncertainty

Voters gave medical marijuana the overwhelming stamp of approval, but the nuts and bolts of that law are creating headaches for those tasked with implementing it. Kim Fundingsland with the Minot Daily News has the story.

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The single most important pitfall to avoid with legalizing marijuana

As North Dakota approaches our first statewide vote on the issue of legalizing Marijuana in any form, it’s going to be important that we learn from those states that have gone before us. There are lessons available, and this article from Quartz outlines a valuable one.

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North Dakota House kills medical marijuana bill

House Bill 1430 failed 26-67; it would have allowed medical use of marijuana in North Dakota. More details and commentary from legislators from Mike Nowatzki.

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald