Proposed River Trail in MN Aims to Connect Multiple Communities

The idea has a name; it’s called the Crow River Regional Trail. The goal is to connect 10 different communities with a common thread — a recreational path along a river that passes through all them. Sounds like something that may interest @sourisfriends — otherwise knowns as the Friends of the Souris River.

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Seeds planted to preserve Bismarck’s Historic railroad bridge

The railroad bridge over the Missouri River in Bismarck has a 134-year history, and as BNSF considers replacing it, one Bismarck man is pushing the conversation about putting the bridge into pedestrian service with parks at each end once the railroad is done with it. It’s a relevant conversation to Minot as we prepare to

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Downtown love: Devils Lake business owners look to new ideas for boosting shopping, foot traffic in city’s center

The struggle to bring life back to North Dakota’s downtown commerce areas continues. This article from the Grand Forks Herald highlights the efforts that a group of business owners in Devils Lake is taking to create foot traffic.

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Bismarck Mayoral recall effort on track

These are tumultuous times to be an elected official. Here in Minot, we’re gearing up for a reform election in which we’ll a new form of government implemented. Meanwhile down in Bismarck, there’s an effort to recall the current Mayor. The Bismarck Tribune has the story.

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MnDOT cuts back road salt use to save money, protect water

Why would the Minnesota DOT reducing salt usage on the roadways be relevant in Minot? Because a common question of those new to our area is why don’t we use salt on our roads? And the answer is because it’s more expensive than sand. Plus, it’s bad for the environment — salt gets into the

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‘Neither Wolf Nor Dog’ to Opens in Bismarck

An independent film featuring the great plains as a setting and a colorful, well-storied Native American as the main character is opening in Bismarck. The movie titled ‘Neither Wolf Nor Dog’ is born from a 1994 novel by Minnesota writer Ken Nerburn. Here’s hoping we get a showing in Minot.

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Flood forecast improves for Grafton, but warnings persist

As the river rises in Minot, the general message right now among forecasters and those tasked with protecting the City is that we’re in good shape; the river is doing what we expected and we can handle the flow rates. On the other side of the state, Grafton and Park River are in a more significant

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The Opportunity for Rural Breweries, Distilleries, & Wineries is Big

Up here on the Northern Plains, we drink a lot of beer. It’s a fact we all acknowledge. And the question they’re starting to ask in Minnesota is what would happen if more of the beer that we consume was brewed locally? What if the corner bar was actually a corner brewery with a taproom?

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Des Lacs Running Strong in Spring Melt

In the flood equation that determines the fate of the Burlington and Minot areas each spring, the Des Lacs is the wild card. And this spring it’s running, but it’s not out of control or out of the banks. Kim Fundingsland has the story.

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We Can No Longer Afford the Hypocrisy

Good Morning Senator Hogue and Senator Larsen, I’m writing to provide a last minute appeal for House Bill 1163 regarding the removal of North Dakota’s Sunday closing laws. And because this debate is just the latest in a series at both the state and local level that has me concerned, I’m publishing this letter publicly

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Corps of Engineers Interested in Dead Loop Restoration Through Souris Basin

The Souris River Joint Board’s monthly meeting was yesterday; the work continues on implementing all aspects the Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Plan. Of note, members of the Corp of Engineers were in Minot this past week and they expressed an interest in projects related to ecosystem restoration. In plain English, the message being conveyed

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To build an amazing team, look for people who challenge you

It’s relevant commentary as the citizens of Minot take up the conversation of choosing the team that will lead the City this June. It turns out there is a roadmap to choosing a management make-up that consistently delivers results, and though the correlation with civic government isn’t perfect, but there are some concepts to worth

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Winnipeg Councillors hire integrity boss to police their ethical behaviour

Elected officials for the City of Winnipeg have taken an unprecedented step in hiring an in-house ethics officer who will operate under the title of ‘integrity commissioner’. The first task of the newly appointed office — writing a new code of conduct including penalties for breach of conduct.  

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Grand Forks meetings on New Americans slated to bridge local divides

The political rhetoric regarding immigration has reached a fever pitch, and it’s resulted in an uneasiness that’s filtering into our communities. In Grand Forks, they’re working to combat the tension by bringing people together to talk, discuss, and learn. The hope is that a sense of mutual understanding among different ethnic groups and immigrants will

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Addiction Part 1: Family of Chase Fliginger talks of 10-year battle

The Fargo Forum is taking an in-depth look at the Red River Valley’s growing opiate addiction problem. But it’s not just the media paying attention either, Fargo’s Mayor has formed a Blue Ribbon Commission tasked with finding solutions to the problem. Check out Part 1 of the Forum’s coverage here.

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Fargo Citizens Discuss Main Avenue Reconstruction

It’s a bit counter-intuitive, but in Fargo, citizens are discussing a new approach to economic development via infrastructure. And it’s not about bigger, wider roads. It’s actually focused on slower speeds, more on-street parking, and larger sidewalks. It turns out that is the recipe that attracts pedestrians and businesses.

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