Flaring in North Dakota causes thousands of hospital visits, costs millions in medical expenses, study finds

North Dakota has made improvements in the amount of natural gas flared as a result of oil production, but the impacts on those living closest to the activity are still significant.  Patrick Springer writing at The Dickinson Press has the full story on the down-wind health costs that researchers suggest are tied to flaring.

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Five Companies Face Restrictions After Flaring Too Much Gas

The State Oil and Gas division will require five companies to choke production or face delay penalties. The sanctions are the result of the state’s goal to reduce flaring to no more than 23% of produced gas.

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Oil Company Requests to Flare 140 Wells

XTO Energy is seeking an exception to the new flaring standards for some 140 of their currently operating wells. Lauren Donovan of the Bismarck Tribune has the story.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune

Interactive: The View of Fracking Flares From Space

Flaring isn’t ideal — it’s literally burning up a valuable natural resource, and we need to continue to push the oil and gas industry towards reducing and finally eliminating the practice. That process will take a some time, but here’s a not-so-subtle reminder of why it’s important.

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Oil Production Thoughts and Commentary

While production is still going up, the rig count is decreasing, but the ongoing story is the price of crude and speculation on when we reach the bottom.  Lynn Helms discusses these and other issues facing the industry in this short clip from KMOT News.

Read & Share   sourced from: KMOT

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Flaring: Satellite Imagery of Western North Dakota

This is an older story, but it deserves to be in place to help contextualize the next article from the Williston Herald. Take a quick peek, the pictures will give you the most sense of the issue.

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Flaring: Are We Wasting a Valuable Resource

It’s one of the big questions in the oil field, and you only have to look at a satellite image of Western North Dakota to get the idea that we must be burning a lot of gas, and money.

Read & Share   sourced from: Williston Herald