Legislative Round Up, February 19, 2023

North Dakota’s legislature meets once every two years, and our state Constitution requires they complete their business in 80 days or less. It means when they’re in session, they’re working and making news. Here’s a round-up of the latest from the legislature. But before we get to the news, we’ve built a new tool that

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The Anatomy of North Dakota Forestry

This semester, I’m teaching an on-campus class called River and Stream Resource Management. I’m having a blast with the class, but I’m struggling a little with some of the terminology. I’m a forester and a lot of the material is new to me. If you can explain “entrenchment ratio” to me, I’d appreciate it. Technical

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Will 2024 Governorship Race Deliver Red, Blue, or Black & White?

Is it too early to speculate about next year’s North Dakota gubernatorial race? If Governor Burgum doesn’t run again, what can we expect and who will try to succeed him? We should feel safe to assume that if the Democrats field a candidate, he or she will more than likely have several disadvantages. Let’s start

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Hunter harvest surveys are an important tool for Game and Fish 

Do you feel like everywhere you turn there’s something trying to get your attention? Spam phone calls, robo calls, junk text messages. The other day I noted advertisements in the bathroom. It got me to stop and think. So, it worked. When it comes to email, my inbox gets filled up. Just like yours. At

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Parks Director to Retire after 31 Years

Minot Parks Executive Director,  Ron Merritt announced his retirement Tuesday at a Special Board Meeting of the Minot Park District.  Merritt has been with the Minot Park District since May 2, 1992 when he became a Zoo Keeper at Roosevelt Park Zoo.  Merritt became the Director of the Roosevelt Park Zoo in 1998 followed by becoming the Executive

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The Art of Designing a Dangerous-Looking Playground

How do we introduce kids to a world of wonder while keeping them safe? How about give them places to play that spur their imagination, tease their adventure bone, but do it in a chaotic-looking but intentionally safe form. If that’s the answer you were thinking, than you’re going to love the article linked below

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It’s Your Community — Get Involved!

Dear Minot: Since being elected as your mayor in June 2022, I’ve learned a great many things. I’ve learned there is a lot going on in Minot that involves the mayor. I’ve learned residents want their voices heard. And I’ve learned that no matter how much I learn, there is always something new around the

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What exactly does a 2,500-square-foot lot look like? And Why does it matter in Minot?

In Montana, affordable housing is a growing problem. The influx of people is putting pressure on prices, and the legislature is looking at some less-common ways to help keep them in check. One idea under consideration — making small lots for developers and home builders more readily available. They’d can do that with a law

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McKenzie County Awarded $2.8 Million From Federal DOT Safe Roads Program

McKenzie County will be an early beneficiary of the federal infrastructure bill. The county was awarded $2.8 million for wide reaching road system improvements including the separation of bikes and pedestrians from vehicle travel areas. The DOT’s full news release on the program is copied below. And it invites the question: with unfunded projects like

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Saskatchewan Watershed At Normal Levels Thus Far

The Souris River’s Saskatchewan headwaters make the snowpack of our northern neighbors local news. And the first report of 2023 indicates lots of storage in the reservoirs for Canadian prairie snow that will melt through Minot. The Souris Basin outlook is quoted below. “Both Rafferty Reservoir and Grant Devine Lake are below their prescribed February

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Fargo’s State of the ‘Cities’ is An Idea Worth Stealing

Tomorrow, Mayor Tom Ross will deliver the State of the City address. In its sixth year, Minot’s State of the City is a relatively new event, but the tradition is a good one. An annual check-in is important. Maybe more important than we realize.  Of course, Minot didn’t invent the idea. We copied it from

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Q & A With ND Game & Fish Director Jeb Williams

 As Jeb Williams, North Dakota Game and Fish Department director, works into his second calendar year leading the agency, he takes a look in the rearview mirror and also offers insight on challenges and important topics for North Dakota’s outdoors.  How important was the spring precipitation of 2022?  Jeb: So, it was really positive for our local lakes and wildlife habitat conditions around the state. We’d been in tough

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Is An Accounting Coming?

I don’t claim to have all the answers, but being curious by nature, have several questions. My friends in the Republican party are against waste, fraud and abuse in government. They have been in total control of state government in Bismarck since 1994. It would be very educational to have an itemized list of the

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Let’s Call It Taxpayer Subsidized Parking

City Council meets tonight. The agenda includes more than a few items you should know about; read it here. Perhaps most interesting, two items related to our infamous downtown parking garages will be considered. First, where should the City employees park when City Hall moves downtown later this year? That is a timely question. More

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Minot City Council Agenda, February 6, 2023

Minot’s City Council will meet Monday, February 6, at 5:30 in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The following agenda will be considered. Minot City Council meetings are live-streamed through the City’s Youtube Channel found here.

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Ward County Commission Agenda, February 7, 2023

The Ward County Commission will meet Tuesday, February 7th at 9:00 am for the first of their regular monthly meetings. The meeting will take place at the Ward County Administration Building on 3rd Street in downtown Minot. The Commission will consider the following agenda. The complete Commissioner meeting packet can be viewed here.

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