Enbridge pushes back on need for Line 3 oil pipeline replacement in Minnesota

Few infrastructure developments are more contentious these days than oil pipeline projects. We’ve had our own battles here in North Dakota, but in Minnesota getting pipelines approved is more difficult yet. But with regards to the Line 3 Pipeline from NE North Dakota to Superior Wisconsin, Enbridge is pushing back against regulatory slowplaying with facts

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Enbridge, Minnesota fail to reach settlement in pipeline tax dispute

Enbridge has a hard time getting pipeline projects approved in Minnesota, but they now contend their existing pipeline properties have been overvalued by the Department of Revenue. The matter has been in mediation, but it now appears Enbridge will seek resolution through the court system. At stake: tens of millions in previously collected property taxes

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Sandpiper Pipeline Receives ‘Certificate of Need’ Permit

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission granted a certificate of need permit to Enbridge. This permit certifies the need to move oil via pipeline. The next piece of the equation is the routing permit which is expected to take several more months.

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Sandpiper Pipeline in North Dakota Looks Headed to Eminent Domain Trial

  A Wisconson family that owns land in the path of Enbridge’s proposed Sandpiper pipeline has made a commitment to stand on their principles and deny access across their land. The issue is likely headed to court and will test North Dakota’s eminent domain laws.

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Sandpiper Pipeline on Hold as Minnesota P.S.C. Reviews Findings

Approval of Enbridge’s Sandpiper pipeline, a proposed natural gas and oil pipeline through Northern Minnesota, is stuck in bureaucracy. Minnesota’s Public Service Commission needs to weigh in on the issue, but, it won’t be on their agenda for months.

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What If? Enbridge Practices for Pipeline Spill

The exercise involved around 200 state, local, and federal officials along with Enbridge employees. The idea — if a spill happens, they’ll have some experience with dealing with it. The coincidental timing of the Heimdal train derailment illustrates the importance of these drills.

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Enbridge Making Plans to Replace Dated Pipeline in Minnesota and Beyond

The first in series of open houses intended to inform and explain the company’s plan was held in Clearbrook, MN. The goal is to replace more than 1,000 miles of pipeline that was installed as early as 1968.

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Enbridge and Berthold Elevator: Symbiosis

The two organizations are working together in Berthold and the result is a relationship that’s benefiting both. Bonnie Campo of KX News delivers a first hand look in this weeks Eye on Energy.

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Enbridge Pipeline Slowed Down in Minnesota

A proposed oil pipeline will be slowed down to explore alternative routes through Northern Minnesota. The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission denied a motion by Enbridge that would have expedited approval of the pipeline’s route.

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald