Devils Lake Approves Development Agreement for Oil Refienry

The Devils Lake City Commission voted unanimously to enter a developerment agreement with Eagles Ledge Energy to bring a 20,000 barrel per day refinery to the West side of the city. The agreement will be a financial boon to city coffers, but some residents have concerns.

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Devils Lake Working Towards Developers Agreement on Proposed Refinery

The City of Devils Lake and Eagles Ledge Petroleum are working on a developers agreement that would allow construction of a 20,000 barrel-per-day refinery to move forward. Get a progress report on the project from Adam Ladwig of WDAZ.

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Devils Lake annexes land for potential oil refinery

The City of Devils Lake has annexed the land that would be used if a 20,000 barrel per day refinery is successfully built. It was a preliminary step required to get the project moving.

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Supporters of Devils Lake Refinery Encouraged by Report

Says Rachel Lindstrom, executive director of Forward Devils Lake, “We were exceptionally pleased that the due diligence study did not find any fatal flaws in the project.”

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald

Plans Revealed for Possible Devils Lake Oil Refinery

A Vancouver based energy company revealed plans on their proposed $200 million plant capable of refining 20,000 barrels of oil per day.

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald

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