Report says proposed dairy operation will impact groundwater near Abercrombie

In Abercrombie, North Dakota, a new dairy operation is stirring up concern. A study warns that Riverview Farms’ massive 12,500-head project could jeopardize local water sources, sitting close to both the Wild Rice and Red Rivers. Hydrologist David Erickson highlights risks of contamination and odor nuisances from manure management, sounding an alarm for the community.

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Bird flu found in Wyoming dairy cows

Hopefully you can read this news without starting a panic or rolling your eyes. The CDC is watching the current outbreak of bird flu carefully, but it is spreading slowly. Recently, a dairy operation in Wyoming had cows test positive. This marks the 10th state to positively identify the spread. The risk to the public

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What is milk? The legislature is attempting to answer the question

If you go to the grocery store these days, you’ll quickly notice the milk section is a lot bigger than it used to be. But it’s not the cows that made it so. There are whole shelves of new products made from soy, almonds, oats, coconuts, and more. And it invites the question, what is

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Dairy Farms on the Sharp Decline

Over the last 15 years, the number of dairy farms in North Dakota has dropped from 350 to 91. It’s an issue that has Agriculture Commissioner Doug Gehring concerned and looking for ways to reverse the trend.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune