Canadian Prairies stand to benefit the most from boost to immigration target

Immigration is an issue in every country; it’s also an opportunity. New citizens equal new workers, and in places starved for labor, everyone willing to fill a role is welcome. And for our neighbors to the North, the Canadian Federal government has issued a report suggesting the prairie region is likely to benefit the most

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Alberta landowners fear repeat of orphan well crisis as renewable energy booms

The oil business is known for its boom and bust cycles. Everyone loves it when times are good. And in the past, everyone pays for it when times are bad. At least, that’s what everyone in Alberta remembers about the last time it went bad. Because when it went, it left cities and towns holding

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Brandon Citizens weigh in loudly at last chance to prevent a costly infrastructure project

In the second story from Brandon in today’s news feed, you can read about a level of community engagement we do not commonly see in Minot. The City of Brandon proposed spending ~$30 million on new lift stations. The public showed up in force, and they weren’t shy with their opinions. They didn’t like the

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Manitoba Sisters intertwine fashion, farming

Farming and food production are vital to the local economy, but how do we get people to care about them?  For a pair of sisters in Brandon, Manitoba, the answer is fashion. Cassandra and Stefanie Lepp have more than 35,000 social media followers, and they’re using their influence educate and inform women about farming. Get

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Sask. Provincial Tax Changes Redistribute Property Tax Burden

Our provincial neighbors to the North changed their tax code, and it’s creating a headache for rural municipalities. The change was simple, the province lowered the rate at which certain commercial properties could be taxed. It was a win for some businesses, and a loss for others. But there’s an important underlying factor at play;

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North Portal border crossing selected as one of five for Alaska-bound travellers

Travelers looking to transit through Canada on their way between the U.S. mainland and Alaska have few border crossings to choose from, but the North Portal crossing NW of Minot is one of them. The Estevan Mercury has the full story on what’s required if you plan on driving to Alaska anytime soon.

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Summer fun is blowing up in Brandon

Is the future of outdoor water recreation inflated? This year in Brandon, the answer is yes. Check out this story from the Brandon Sun (pictures included) that shows one neighboring city’s new approach to summer water recreation. Cover image credit goes to Tim Smith of the Brandon Sun.

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Compare Minot — City of Regina launches new website

In a case of compare Minot to others, the City of Regina launched a new website. It replaces the last website built in 2008. The cost: $1.2 million Canadian. If you use the City of Minot’s website, it’s worth taking a look to gather ideas and see what works. Check it out here:

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Brandon approves $4M for new water mains

Do you know where a bunch of your property taxes go? In the case of managing a city like Minot or our neighbor Brandon, Manitoba — it takes a lot of money to keep what we have in working order. You don’t need to read the story below from the Brandon Sun; the headline captures

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Regina Fair adding Fortnite tournament to activities

Regina’s summer fair, known as Queen City Ex, is stepping into the world eSports at their event later this summer. In partnership with local gaming-focused businesses, the fair will host tournament style competitions in the game Fortnite with a top prize of $8,500. There’s a $40 entry fee with room for 640 competitors, but registration will

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Regina Flying Club aims to take on more students amid pilot shortage

Pilots — they’re yet another example of how labor shortages are choking our economy, and the problem doesn’t honor international boundaries. In Regina, one local flying club is taking the national issue up at a local level. They’re investing in their club with tools like flight simulators and expanding training scholarship opportunities to get new

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Winnipeg can’t replace Infrastructure without federal, provincial money

The City of Winnipeg is staring directly at $4.9 billion (Canadian) in capital infrastructure needs, and the Mayor says they won’t be able to afford it without help from the Manitoba and Canadian federal governments. Get the full report on how Winnipeg is going to prioritize their list from the Winnipeg Free Press. From a

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Nuclear energy upstream from Minot? Sask legislature discusses options for aging coal infrastructure

In a world headed towards less carbon-based energy, what do you do with a coal-fired power plant that’s nearing the end of its service life but still has a viable energy distribution network surrounding it? If you’re the Saskatchewan Legislature, the answer is to start talking transitions and alternatives and one that gets mentioned early

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Winnipeg’s recycling cost to increase after too much ‘crap’ put into bins

The report on recycling will be delivered to Winnipeg City Council in June. While we don’t know the full amounts, it is known that the cost of recycling to the City and citizens will be going up. The reason: contamination rates. Much of Winnipeg’s recycling materials are hauled across the ocean to Malaysia or India,

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Regina’s residential construction industry in ‘deep recession’

In an insular world, it’s easy to think we’re the only people and place facing a down economy. It’s not so as this article from the Regina Leader Post points out. Also worth noting, the cause attached to the slow down; top-down policies that carry consequences into places they weren’t intended for. It’s a call

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In Brandon, downtown revitalization a concern

In a world where the information we’re exposed to is protected by our bubble, it’s easy to get the idea that we’re the only place with challenges and that all our challenge are unique. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Check out this post from the Brandon Sun. On any given Tuesday, you could

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