Port: House committee shows hostility toward bill improving North Dakota’s campaign finance laws

North Dakota’s campaign finance laws are embarrassingly weak, and that’s no accident. Candidates and committees disclose little, and even when they break the rules, the penalties are laughable. A bill to change that—requiring more transparency and stiffening fines—passed the Senate without opposition. But in the House, lawmakers are bristling at the idea of revealing more

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Should Charitable Gaming Fund Political Activity? Introduced Bill Would Allow It

Political campaigns fueled by gambling proceeds? That’s the debate sparked by Rep. Jared Hendrix’s new bill, which would classify political organizations as “public-spirited,” making them eligible for charitable gaming funds. Critics, including nonprofit leaders, worry this could erode public trust in charitable gaming, already a billion-dollar industry in North Dakota. With the state’s loose campaign

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Thank God North Dakota Politicians are 100% Honest!

Former New Mexico Secretary of State Dianna Duran has recently pled guilty to two felonies that would not have been detected and arguably not a crime if she had been an elected state official or legislator in North Dakota.Her crimes were that she admitted using campaign contributions for her personal use. In addition to having

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