Skein roles out red carpet for MSU Choral group

A group of Minot State music students had the privilege of traveling to Minot’s sister city Skein, Norway recently, and they hospitality they experienced beyond special. Eloise Ogden with the Minot Daily News has the recap story.

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Drinking coffee this way boosts work performance and happiness

Earlier this week, there was news that up to five cups is the magic number; we’re talking coffee amounts and what’s healthy. But there’s also evidence that suggests ‘how’ you drink your coffee impacts your health. It turns out if you want to maximize the health benefits of coffee, you should find someone to drink

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Watch & Listen – Minot State Choir making friends and music in Skein

Minot State Choir is in Minot’s sister city Skein, Norway this week as a part of a cultural exchange. Watch and listen to a few of their performances below.

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Local Politics Aren’t As Polarized As National Politics

Are you tired of hearing how divided America is? Maybe it’s just that we’re listening to the wrong people about the wrong topics. When it comes to local issues, Republicans and Democrats are much closer together on important issues than you’d probably assume. Check out this article from CityLab that breaks down the data on

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Togo native hopes to turn Grand Forks into cultural destination

Have you noticed all the outside perspectives published on It’s because, whether we acknowledge it or not, our place, our community — Minot — is in a fight for its life. We’re fighting against Grand Forks, against Bismarck, against Williston, against Pierre, against Brandon — against all of them plus the others unnamed. What’s

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#TrollsMatter — Not One More Bridge!

Two summers ago, we rebuilt the 4th Avenue Bridge near Oak Park. Last summer and this summer, we’re reconstructing the Broadway Bridge. Yes, both bridges seem like sturdy constructions; I’ve got no reason to doubt their structural integrity. I even like the way they look. But I’ve still got a question that concerns me deeply

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New stats and a new plan for Grand Forks’ new Americans

In the greater Grand Forks area, there are more than 8,800 foreign-born residents living and working. And the manner in which those individuals are welcomed in and made to feel at home is the goal of a new ‘Welcoming City’ initiative spearheaded by the City of Grand Forks. Read more about it on The Grand

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Why North Dakotans should welcome diversity

A couple months back, the Forum editorial staff took aim at the idea of diversity within our culture. The final paragraph, sums on a set of strong arguments. “Easy to overlook, these are reminders that we should celebrate our increasing ethnic and social diversity, not seek to wind back the clock and pretend that we

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On health care and everything else, the path to compromise is available

Contrary to most, I was not surprised that Congress has failed to repeal and replace “Obamacare”. “Repeal and Replace” has been the unifying slogan of the Republican party since 2009. That slogan may have become fact except for one minor detail. Like the Democratic party, the Republican party is merely a coalition of various diverse

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In Crookston, Housing and economic development organizations combine

The challenges and methods for dealing with those challenges of cities across the region is strikingly similar. Job creation and economic growth are challenges that nearly every smaller community deals with, and in Crookston, MN, they’ve been managing those efforts from two different organizations. But a lack of resources and overlapping missions forced them into

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New campaign to boost workforce calls Grand Forks “cooler” place to be

First the news, the editorial follows below. The big players in Grand Forks, the City, the Chamber, the County, the CVB, and UND have all teamed up to develop a marketing campaign and worker recruiting tool. And they’re not shying away from the weather either.

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Grand Forks recruitment campaigns are overdue

The news on this topic is just above. Basically, the political sub divisions around Grand Forks are combining their efforts to frame the region in a more positive light. And the effort got the attention of the Herald’s editorial staff. In short, they like the idea.

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald