Sentia Spirits Review: A Light Buzz Without the Alcohol

Sometimes, you just want to feel _something_—a little looseness, a touch of ease—without the morning-after regret. That’s the promise of Sentia, a nonalcoholic drink designed to mimic the pleasant side of drinking without the risks. Developed by a British neuropsychopharmacologist, Sentia taps into GABA, the brain’s natural relaxant, offering a subtle shift in mood rather

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House Passes Thanksgiving Alcohol Sales 

It’s always awkward when you’re asked to bring the beer to Thanksgiving dinner, but you forget you can’t buy it on that particular Thursday. Well if you forget this year, you may have the North Dakota Legislature to thank for saving your skin. The house passed a bill making Thanksgiving Day alcohol off-premise sales legal

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Drunk driving lands North Dakota on worst drivers list

In North Dakota, we drink a lot — at least compared to other states. And according to new statistics, we get in the car and drive after drinking far too often as well. April Baumgarten with the Dickinson Press has more on the story.

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Surgeon General calls for action to fight drug, alcohol abuse

Dr. Vivek Murthy, the U.S. Surgeon General, has issued a first-ever report on substance abuse. Here’s the quote that sums it up, “The most important thing is, we have to change attitudes towards addiction and get people into treatment,” Murthy said in an interview. “Addiction is a disease of the brain,” he added, “not a

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Drinking binge ends with $15M judgment in SE Minnesota

A judge in Southeast Minnesota made a loud statement to those in the alcohol service industry — if you overserve an individual, you will be held liable. There are many lessons to learn from in this tragic story from the Star Tribune.

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Vodka made from Red River Valley sugar beets Debuts in Twin Cities

Creative entrepreneurs in the eastern part of the state are starting to catch on to the opportunity in adding value to our homegrown agricultural products and converting them to spirits and beer. Here’s one of their stories.

Read & Share   sourced from: Prairie Business Magazine

Alcohol Makes Food Smell Better

  Science has now confirmed what many already intuitively knew — or perhaps I should have written aromatically. It turns out that alcohol makes food smell better, which in turns makes you hungrier.

Read & Share   sourced from: Science Alert

Grand Forks Moving Towards 11 a.m. Sunday Alcohol Sales in Restaurants

State Legislators loosened the regulatory grip on Sunday bloody mary brunch by changing state law to allow for earlier alcohol service on Sundays. And now it appears the City of Grand Forks will be taking advantage of that opportunity by changing their local laws.

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Liquor License Supper Club Law Goes to Full Council, Second Reading Monday

The Liquor and Gambling got their second kick at the superclub law on Thursday. Their recommendation: super clubs should stop selling drinks two hours after their kitchen closes. The full council will have a crack at final say on the law Monday.

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Measure to Allow Alcohol Sales on Sunday Before Noon Passes Senate

A bill that would make a Sunday morning bloody mary  a little easier to purchase has now passed the Senate after quick amendment that would prevent off sale and a second vote. If signed, the bill would allow alcohol sales at 11 a.m. on Sundays.

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A Craft Beer Tax Battle Is Brewing On Capitol Hill

Small beer is becoming big business around the country, and lawmakers are taking notice with a bill that hopes to reduce taxes on small independent brewers.

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Minnesota: Lawmakers Take First Look at Liquor Reform

Lawmakers in Minnesota appear to have a growing appetite for getting alcohol policy right. It’s a subject The Minot Voice will be getting into in the future; articles like this are here to provide your future self with some topical context.

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Grand Forks could be first in North Dakota to regulate drink specials

Grand Forks is considering alcohol reform that would eliminate extreme drink specials.  Specifically, unlimited drinks for a fixed price or no cost, three-for-one drink specials and games or contests that focus on alcohol consumption, would be banned.

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Bills Proposed in Minnesota to Change Drinking Age

A Minnesota legislator is taking aim at the state’s antiquated alcohol laws and her ideas are generating a buzz. The gist — lower the drinking age to 18 and bring youth drinking out in the open where we have a better chance of teaching responsible behavior.

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House Passes Bill Allowing Earlier Alcohol Sales On Sundays

The law allows for 11:00 am sales rather than noon, and it only narrowly passed in the House 49-42. Rob Port at Say Anything Blog has more details and the common sense commentary on the subject.

Read & Share   sourced from: Say Anything

Grand Forks Hopes to Get Springfest Alcohol Use Under Control

The Grand Forks Mayor and UND President are hoping to sway Grand Forks City Council and Park District into cracking down on alcohol use during communities ‘Springfest’ weekend.  

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald