Entrepreneurial Administration as a Goal for Public Administration

“On the conventional telling, public agencies follow specific grants of regulatory authority, use the traditional tools of notice-and-comment rulemaking and adjudication, and are checked by judicial review. In reality, however, effective administration depends on entrepreneurial leadership that spearheads policy experimentation and trial-and-error problem-solving, including the development of regulatory programs that use non-traditional tools.”

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Radical thinking reveals the secrets of making change happen

Have you ever wondered how and why change happens? Perhaps more importantly, have you ever wondered how what looks like intentional change happens? The change ingredients are easy to see in when looked on with hindsight, and the driving factors are the topic of a new book called The Guardian by Duncan Green. Check out

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Misinformation on social media: Can technology save us?

Information is both the currency and lubricant that moves the world forward. But as we find ourselves in the Information Age’s period of juvenile delinquency, the challenge in filtering out the bad information and raising the good information to the top is our biggest challenge. Social media made the problem worse because it’s hastened the

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Better Government? Why citizen input is crucial to the government design process

GovLab’s mission is to improve people’s lives by changing the way we govern. And in one of there recent articles, they key on the critical need for citizen input in developing the design of applications and solutions. The quote below was in direct reference to the design of a digital time-saving application, but it rings

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