ND Game & Fish Releases New Outdoor Mobile App

Need a last-minute fishing license? Want to double-check the law while you’re out in the field? North Dakota Game and Fish has developed a mobile to make both and a whole lot more easier. Check out the video below to get the details. The App is available in the Google Play and Apple app stores.

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Cancer Clusters Among Misileers? Air Force to Conduct Study that Includes Minot AFB

Last month, the story broke that the Air Force is looking at cases of cancer that may be linked to working in Malmstrom AFB missile silos. Yesterday, the Air Force announced it will conduct an official study by the Air Force School of Aerospace and it will include Minot. Get the full story from the

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North Dakota bison processing plant expands as more people seek healthier protein

Bison have sustained the prairie in more ways than one since they’ve been around, and after being pushed to near extinction a century ago, they’re recently reemerging in old-fashioned form — as a healthy source of food. Demand for Bison meat is on the rise, and that’s pushed a North Dakota processing center in New

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10 things to know about how social media affects teens’ brains

Kids today are among the first generation of humans to grow up with social media as a dominant factor in their lives. After hundreds of thousands of years of evolving and adapting to the natural world, we’re now dealing with the challenges of evolving and adapting to a much faster-moving technological world. It’s a great

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Temperature Check: North Dakota Health Trends

Every few years, the North Dakota Center for Social Research at NDSU studies the factors that contribute to our overall health. They look at things like race, place, education, and income to see how they correlate to our health and put them all together in a final report. It’s kind of like a regular check-up

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Be On the Look Out for Canadian Super Pig

If you had ‘Canadian Super Pig’ on your bingo card of things to worry about, you may be a winner in today’s guess the news game. Levity aside, these pigs are no joke. They’re cross-bred from domestic varieties and wild boars and are adapting quickly to the cold of Northern climates, and it’s not a

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Montana students standing up for their futures

Speaking toward the future, there’s no one more impacted by the issues of the day than the young people among us. From curriculum to climate change, the younger you are the longer you’ll have to live with the decisions made today. And in Montana, youth engagement in political action becoming a force to reckon with.

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The Anatomy of North Dakota Forestry

This semester, I’m teaching an on-campus class called River and Stream Resource Management. I’m having a blast with the class, but I’m struggling a little with some of the terminology. I’m a forester and a lot of the material is new to me. If you can explain “entrenchment ratio” to me, I’d appreciate it. Technical

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North Dakota Senate approves bill to address fentanyl epidemic

The ND Senate approved SB 2248. It puts more teeth in North Dakota law for those convicted of contributing to a person’s death by supplying fentanyl, expands fentanyl reporting requirements for law enforcement and health agencies, and begins distributing nearly $30 million biannually from the state’s opioid lawsuit settlement. The Bismarck Tribune has the full

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Fargo scraps curbside glass recycling

What does it make sense to recycle? That’s not an answer under control of municipalities with recycling programs, because it depends on what the MRFs (material recovery facilities) will accept. And the Minneapolis-based MRF Fargo sends their recycling to is no longer accepting glass. It just doesn’t pay. It’s causing an abrupt change to Fargo’s

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Iowa City ’embracing innovation’ in 3D-printed affordable housing

Housing costs are a common topic these days where ever you look. Places with low costs of living are easier on their people and attractive to outsiders, too. But how does a place deliver it? Well, in Iowa, they’re investing in innovation. And that means 3-D printing — for houses. There’s no telling yet if

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Meet the telehealth company that’s treated treated 20,000 opioid addiction patients

In a place like North Dakota, where do you turn when there’s no where to turn? When it comes to addiction, rural can be real challenge. The services and resources common in larger populations centers simply don’t exist. But what if you could get help over the phone or an Internet connection? And what if

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Burgum appoints Kuldip Mohanty to serve as North Dakota’s next chief information officer

BISMARCK, N.D. – Gov. Doug Burgum today announced the appointment of Kuldip Mohanty to lead the North Dakota Information Technology (NDIT) department as the state’s next chief information officer, effective Feb. 23. Mohanty has nearly 30 years of private sector experience in IT. Since 2020, he has served as CIO of HUB International Limited in

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Farmers’ Crop Plantings Chasing Climate Patterns to new Territories

What’s a solid sign that the climate may be changing at a really slow pace? Are crops growing in places that were previously inhospitable to them an answer? On the question of climate change, maybe its a clue. But new crops in new places isn’t speculation, it’s a reality. Cotton in Kansas, new grape varieties

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West Fargo effort to help seniors avoid falls is a first for North Dakota

When an elderly person falls, it often leads to an emergency services call. It’s a circumstance that opens the door — literally — to educating senior citizens on the services available that may help them, get health care, or prevent the next fall. And West Fargo is implementing a program to ensure they take advantage

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James Webb Space Telescope Heralds a New Dawn for Exoplanet Science

The universe is a big place. Our little Milky Way galaxy is estimated to have more than 100,000 stars just like our Sun. There are believed to be more 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. It makes the mathematic odds of another planet with life like Earth pretty likely, but the odds of finding it

Read & Share   sourced from: Scientific American