Dickinson Mayor Wants Unlimited Liquor Licenses

The Mayor of Dickinson, Scott Decker, is advocating the City do away with quotas on liquor licenses and set a price on acquiring a license. The reason is “to attract more businesses to the area, especially downtown”. It’s a topic relevant to Minot as we’re in the process of considering a similar revision.

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Riot Charge Dropped Against #NoDAPL Journalist

Charges of ‘engaging in a riot’ related to a September 3 incident at a worksite of the Dakota Access Pipeline were dropped Monday against Democracy Now journalist Amy Goodman. Caroline Grueskin of the Bismarck Tribune has the full report.

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The Candidate I Oppose…

The candidate I oppose is a terrible candidate and represents everything I think is wrong with this country. Don’t get me wrong; I don’t trust much of what I hear in the news anymore, but if half the crap I’ve heard about the candidate I oppose over my lifetime is true, then I don’t understand

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It’s Time for Candidate Burgum to Start Getting Specific

George Orwell once wrote, “Political language, and with variations this is true of all parties………is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” This was written in the 1940s. Was he wrong or did he have the power of facing unpleasant facts? On the

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Post-oil boom, drug prices fall as gang trafficking increases

The oil boom is gone, but the less desirable elements that came with it have stuck around. Prices for illegal drugs like meth have fallen dramatically, but the gangs that traffic them are still in North Dakota operating.

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Minot Liquor License Regulations Claim Latest Business Casualty

The doors are locked, the lights are turned off, and all signs point to Sidekicks bar and grill being closed for good. Though the owner of the establishment has not yet been reached for comment, Rob Teets, the Charitable Gaming Manager for the Minot Hockey Boosters which previously operated the gaming inside of Sidekicks confirmed

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Be Aware: Minot Police Warn Residents of Traffic Violation Email Scam

The Minot Police Department is warning residents to be on the lookout for an email scam telling recipients they’ve committed a traffic violation. Law enforcement agencies do not notify citizens of violations via email. The full news release on the story follows below. — Official News Release, Minot Police Department — The Minot Police Department

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OPINON: Calling Minot’s Elected Leaders & Shane Goettle, Where Are You?

It was back in May that the City re-upped with our lobbyist in Bismarck, Shane Goettle. The two-year contract we gave him is no small sum. It’s worth $3,500 per month when the legislature is not in session and $7,500 per month when it is. Over the two-year life of the contract, the City of

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Tuesday Voters Call for #Change in North Dakota and Minot

The Tuesday, June 14, 2016 election was a gut shot for several “establishments” in North Dakota. The establishment of the Republican legislative super-majority took it in the shorts from the voters who crushed the corporate farming bill. One of the legislators who had sponsored the corporate farming bill complained to the media about the “lies” of

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2016 Election: Meet Your Minot City Council Candidates

This coming Tuesday is an election day across North Dakota. For state offices, this is a standard primary election whereby we narrow the field down to the final candidates who will appear on the November ballot. But for local races, this is it. This is your only chance to cast a vote for our City

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2016 Election: Meet Your Minot Public Schools School Board Candidates

This coming Tuesday is an election day across North Dakota. For state offices, this is a standard primary election whereby we narrow the field down to the final candidates who will appear on the November ballot. But for local races, this is it. This is your only chance to cast a vote for our City

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Election 2016: Meet Your Minot Park Board Candidates

This coming Tuesday is an election day across North Dakota. For state offices, this is a standard primary election whereby we narrow the field down to the final candidates who will appear on the November ballot. But for local races, this is it. This is your only chance to cast a vote for our City

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Editorial: A ‘Yes’ Vote on Tuesday is the Best Choice for Minot

On Tuesday, we’re all charged with offering our vote on an important decision for Minot’s future. City Council reform has been the topic of local conversations for the past ten months. And many have argued the question we’re answering Tuesday is really a choice between Wards and an at-large system.That’s probably true. Most have accepted

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Important: Minot Area Voting & Election Information

We’ll have candidate information available for you next week (we’re assuming you’ll want to cram your election research at the last minute :)), but if you’re interested in early and absentee voting, here’s the information you need to know. What You Need to Vote North Dakota does not require voter registration, but a valid North

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2016 Presidential Election: Which ‘Facts’ Do You Hate More?

We can all hardly wait for the 2016 Presidential campaign to give us more information about the past sex lives of two men in their seventies. We have all been taught in school that one of the great things about America is that it is a classless society. I rest my case. What could possibly

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Raising the Questions… Some Ideas on What We Should Be Asking Those Seeking Local Office

Minot’s election season swings into full gear tonight with the first of a couple of community forums focused on getting to know our local candidates. Tonight the event is at the Auditorium and is hosted by #MakeMinot. Next Tuesday is the second chance, with the Minot Daily News and the Grand Hotel sponsoring. And here

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