U.S. Senate Passes National Defense Authorization Act

The bill has several provisions that will impact North Dakota’s Air Force Bases that are outlined in detail below.  Both Senator Hoeven and Senator Heitkamp issued news releases on the passage of the bill.   Provisions in the Bill From Senator Hoeven’s Office: Maintain ICBM Silos: Requires that the Administration maintain all 450 of the

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Minot Citizens Gather to Discuss HUD Dollars

Minot citizens met Tuesday evening to discuss ideas and help City leaders begin forming an application plan for nearly a billion dollars in Federal disaster recovery money.

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Carrington & Foster County Having Difficulty

It’s hard to even know what to make of this story, but whatever is happening, it’s creating a lot of bad blood and costing the County at least a few long-time employees.

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Innovations in Municipal Government

The City of Boston is at the tip of spear when it comes to innovations in municipal government and use of technology. This article outlines some neat tools that speak to an exciting, more efficient future. Read it directly from the Microsoft New England Blog here: http://blog.microsoftnewengland.com/

Read & Share   sourced from: Microsoft of New England Blog

Watford City Schools to Have Full Time Resource Officer (Police Presence)

Starting early next year, Watford City will have a full-time Resource Officer stationed in community schools. The position will be based in the high school, but will make weekly visits to other schools.

Read & Share   sourced from: McKenzie County Farmer

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Governor Dalrymple Releases 2015-2017 Budget

Governor Dalyrmple released his proposed budget for the 2015-2017 biennium. The proposed $15.7 billion budget is a record amount that includes significant spending for oil impacted counties. For independent press coverage of the budget, read Nick Smith’s article on the Bismarck Tribune. The Governor’s complete news release on the budget including pdf versions of charts

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County Commission Paves Way for Sales Tax Funded Jail Expansion

In order to use the sales tax for jail expansion, the County Commission needed to update an ordinance and approve it. That happened at Tuesday’s meeting, allowing sales tax money — if approved by voters in February — to be used for the jail expansion.

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Police and Body Cameras?

The idea has been proposed by President Obama and by Rob Port at the Say Anything Blog. The sheer magnitude of this anomaly makes this a must read editorial :D! But seriously, it’s a well argued piece and an idea worthy of consideration.

Read & Share   sourced from: Say Anything Blog.com

Civics Exam as a Graduation Requirement?

The 2015 Legislature will consider a bill that would require high school graduates pass a civics exam similar to the one required to become a U.S. citizen.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune

Politics: President Obama and Chief Justice Roberts

Chief Justice Roberts was appointed by George W. Bush, and his opinion on the Affordable Care Act litigation paved the way for implementation of the law. This is a good article on the major players in our system of checks and balances.

Read & Share   sourced from: Los Angeles Times

Weekend Crime Updates

A couple stories from local media that qualify in the for your information department. Two men were arrested for stealing $8,000 worth of merchandise from Walmart on Friday. Get the details on what appears to be a traveling criminal operation from from KX News. A Minot man was arrested for assaulting his wife and threatening further

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Quarterly Update from Minot Mayor Chuck Barney

I want to take this opportunity to update the citizens of Minot on some of the ongoing projects in our city. I plan to write a similar update about once per quarter to keep you informed during this incredible and exciting period of growth we find ourselves heading into in 2015. We will begin construction

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Congressman Cramer to Serve on Energy & Commerce Committee

— Official News Release — Today Chairman of U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton announced Congressman Kevin Cramer will serve on the coveted committee for the 114th Congress. The Energy and Commerce Committee is among the most powerful in Congress, having the broadest jurisdiction of any congressional authorizing committee. The Committee

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MISSING: Burke County Sheriff’s Office Seeking Help

Shannon Gandrud, 43, was last seen November 1st in Lignite. If you have any information on his whereabouts you’re asked to contact the Burke County Sheriff. Get a photograph and more details from KX News.

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The Drugs in the Mail

Rising population has also meant a rise in crime, and illegal drug trafficking is a growing problem. While most drugs are brought in through distribution channels from the West and South, prescription drugs in particular are often delivered by the various postal services.

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Jail Expansion Vote Set for

The price tag is $41 million… in return we’ll get expansion and renovations to the existing Ward County jail just east of the Court House. The expansion would add more than a hundred beds.

Read & Share   sourced from: KX News