Confidential Counselor Opens Doors at UND

The position is a week old and has yet to see students, but the hope is that it will make easier to ask for help in the event of a sexual assault.        

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Senate Unanimously Passes Immunity For Those Reporting Drug Overdoses

This is one of those rare times when you need to talk to your kids about what’s happening in the state legislature, and it’s not a done deal so contact your Representatives. It grants immunity from prosecution in cases where the individual reports an overdose.

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Parshall Man Charged with Negligent Homicide

The charge is the result of a traffic fatality in December on I-94.

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Tougher Penalties for Shyster Contractors?

The bill is in the hands of the Legislators, but it’s the Attorney General who’s asking for the changes. The hope, give the law sharper teeth when it comes to prosecuting  contractors who choose to operate on the shady side of the line.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune

Bill Would Allow Attorney General To Fine Repeat Open Records Violators

With all the reports of open meeting violations we’ve seen over the last year, particularly from the State Board of Higher Education, perhaps it is time for the law to have some teeth.

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License Plate Readers Pit Privacy Against Police

With the cost of storage and hardware coming down, it’s easy to imagine a world where there’s a camera on every corner tracking the movement of the people. In Minnesota, lawmakers are already tackling the debate.

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Taxes: Getting to Fair Value for Farm Land

The 2015 Legislature is taking up a bill that would revise the way the state arrives at the value of farmland as used for tax assessments. Get the details from Anna Burlson of the Grand Forks Herald.

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Senator Heitkamp Talks Minot Airforce Base Issues

Senator Heitkamp met with Minot’s Taskforce 21 to discuss the importance of MAFB’s missions and other issues facing the base. Get some recap coverage and commentary from KX News here. Read the full news release from Senator Heitkamp’s office below. — Official News Release, Senator Heitkamp — During a meeting today with Minot’s Task Force

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Two Men burned by Oil Worksite Fire in Western ND

Two men were injured when an oil treater caught fire near Ross. The well was operated by Oasis Petroleum. One of the men was air evacuated to a hospital in Minnesota, the other is being treated at Trinity in Minot.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune

Glendive Residents Advised Not to Drink Municipal Water

Water is being trucked into Glendive following an oil spill into the Yellowstone River. According to other media sources, downstream cities are also making preparations for difficulties related to water contamination.

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Legislators Brief Residents on Session – – Bismarck/Minot/Williston/Dickinson-KXNEWS,ND

The Minot Chamber of Commerce and local legislators are working to keep residents informed on the what’s happening during the legislative session. In this segment, Rep. Oley Larson comments on the bill to start a savings account for kids born in North Dakota.

Read & Share   sourced from: KX News

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Woman Hits Police Officer When Asked To Leave Hotel

Three people were arrested after being asked to leave a Minot hotel. Multiple charges were filed including simple assault on a police officer. Full details from KMOT News.

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Oil Spills Into Yellowstone River After Montana Crude Pipe Leak

The oil spill has been stopped, but it is believed that as much as 1,200 barrels of crude oil were released — much of it going into the Yellowstone River.

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Minot’s Lynn Aas, WWII Veteran, to Join Senator Hoeven at State of the Union

Says Senator Hoeven, “It is an honor to have Lynn Aas as my guest at the State of the Union. As part of our country’s Greatest Generation, he fought bravely at the historic Battle of the Bulge, a turning point in the Second World War. Here’s the official news release from Senator Hoeven’s office: —

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Commentary: The Implications of Heitkamp Governor Run…

Circulating in the North Dakota news last week was a story about Senator Heitkamp’s intentions in 2016. Will she run for Governor? Here’s a theoretical look at the outcome of a Heitkamp bid for the State’s highest office and what might change if she won.

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Oil Impact Funding On Agenda Today in Bismarck

Representatives from across oil country are converging on Bismarck today as the Legislature begins discussing funding for the cities and counties in the oil impacted parts of the state.  

Read & Share   sourced from: KX News