Stutsman County Improves Budget Transparency

Stutsman County is making a big step towards more open (and accessible) government by adopting a software tool developed to improve transparency and interaction. Full details from the Jamestown Sun.  

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Ag Commissioner Goehring in DC Discussing Ag Issues

— Official News Release Washington, D.C. – The nation’s leading state agriculture officials gathered at the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) Winter Policy Conference this past week to discuss agriculture issues including pollinators, mediation, rail transportation, trade with Cuba, food safety, antimicrobial resistance and agriculture literacy. North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring,

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Commentary: There Is A Real Need For Legislative Studies

Occasionally, and on important issues, Legislators need the opportunity to take a long look and discover the nuance before acting on an issue. So says Rod St. Aubyn, a former Legislator writing at Say Anything Blog.

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Kevin Cramer: Time To Finish What Reagan Started And Lift The Oil Export Ban

Eight days after being inaugurated as the 40th president of the United States, Ronald Reagan signed an executive order eliminating price controls on crude oil and petroleum products implemented to increase domestic production and reduce energy demand.

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Bill Would Allow Minors into Bars with Conditions

Would you like the option of taking your kids into the bar with you if the bar happens to be the only place to have a meal? If then answer is yes, there’s a bill in the Legislature you might like. Details from Valley News Live.

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Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs Fame Breaks Down the Minimum Wage Debate

Mike Rowe has a way of unwrapping complex issues and putting them into everyday terms. His response to a letter about the minium wage is a great example. Consider it a must read.

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Minot Park Board Clears Procedural Hurdles, Puts District on Path to New Funding Method, MARC Construction

The Minot Park Board held a special meeting Wednesday afternoon to complete procedural steps needed to move forward with building the Minot Aquatics & Recreation Center and funding the Park District through a 1 cent sales tax as opposed to a property tax. Two motions were passed, one approving the ballot language that will now

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Resolution Would Require Lawmakers to Live in District

Yes, you read that headline correctly. We do not, at present, require our state legislators to  remain residents of the districts in which they were elected in order to serve, but lawmakers are looking to close that loophole.

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As Oil Flood Ebbs, N.D. Again Faces Austerity

In his weekly column for the Grand Forks Herald, Minot’s Rob Port of Say Anything Blog comments on the newly unfamiliar requirement of being a North Dakota legislator — having to make hard decisions and occasionally say no.

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Former Captain at MAFB Ran “Violent Street Gang”

A former Minot Air Force Base Captain has been convicted in military of court of leading a violent street gang that dealt in prostitution and drugs. Full story from KX News.

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Minot PD Joins in National Day of Johns

The Minot Police Department nabbed 13 yesterday in the National Day of Johns, a nationwide sting set-up to take down sex traffickers and those fueling the business.

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Seven Applicants for Open Higher Ed Board Position

The state has seven applicants for the open seat on the Board of Higher Education. Whoever is chosen will serve the remainder of Kirsten Diederich’s term.

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Minot Park District Moves Forward on the ‘MARC’, Proposes New Funding Method for District

The Minot Park District and Park Board held a public forum at the Municipal Auditorium this afternoon to present and discuss recommendations on a possible Minot rec center. The proposed facility is the result of months of work by IBIS Enterprises, the consulting group that was hired to survey Minot’s stakeholder organizations and develop the

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Commentary on Keeping Schools Safe

A few bills on school safety are working through the legislature. One bill would provide funding for school resource officers, another would allow for specially permitted concealed weapons. For more details and some valuable commentary check out Rob Port’s thoughts at Say Anything

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U.S. House of Representatives Passes Legislation to Combat Human Trafficking

Congressman Cramer issued a news release on House of Representative action against human trafficking. In total, twelve bills were passed which address the issue in whole and reach into areas such as law enforcement, victim support, foster care, awareness training, and welfare. The legislation passed by the U.S. House today will complement work currently underway in

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Explosives Found at RV Park Near Watford City

McKenzie County Sherriff Deputies responded to a report of an individual carrying guns at Watford City RV park and after searching the suspect’s property, they discovered two improvised explosive devices.

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