New Book Captures ND’s Women in Politics

In 1893 Laura Eisenhuth was elected North Dakota’s Superintendent of Public Instruction;  she was the first woman to hold statewide office in the United States. Learn more about women in North Dakota politics in a new book by Susan Wefald.

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Let’s Reluctantly Vote ‘yes’ on Tuesday

Tuesday’s election is a hard choice. Of all the issues facing Minot and Ward County, spending $37 million on a jail feels like a case of misplaced priorities. Not long ago, we said no to a second high school. In two months, we’ll vote again on a  recreation and aquatics center, and that effort is

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Ward County Jail Election: Everything You Need to Know

Tuesday is a special election day in Ward County;  this is the guide to making your decision. What Are We Voting On? In simplest terms, we’re voting on whether we allow the County to take out a bigger loan. In technical terms, we’re voting on an amendment to a sales tax law that we approved

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Non-Discrimination Bill Passes in North Dakota Senate

BISMARCK –– A bill that would protect the state’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered community from discrimination in the workplace and housing was passed by the North Dakota Senate on Tuesday afternoon. The vote was a close one for Senate Bill 2279, with twenty-five Senators voting in favor of it and twenty-two against it. Its passing caused

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Minot Resident’s Organize in Support of Non Discrimination Bill

MINOT –– With news that Senate Bill 2279 would soon be on the Senate floor, many LGBT allies and activists throughout the state sprang into action. On Monday evening, grassroots efforts took place in Minot, Grand Forks, Fargo, and Bismarck, as they called constituents, encouraging them to reach out ot the senators to support the

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First Hand Experience: Last Weeks Meth Arrest in Berthold

Want to know what it feels like to be a cop pulling over a suspicious car that leads to the biggest meth bust in North Dakota history? Get the Officer’s story in this enlightening Q & A.

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Legislative Commitee Approves Performance Audits of University Foundations

Consider it fallout from the Dickinson State Foundation scandal that is still being sorted out, but the NDSU & UND Foundations are considering challenging the decision on the basis of constitutionality.  

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Fargo Commissioners OK ballot for City Charter Change

You may have noticed some coverage of Minot’s City Council recently. Here’s a short reference piece to show you it is possible to make changes to how our local government is managed.

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Max, ND, to Hold School Bond Election

On Friday, residents in Max will be deciding on a nearly $8 million school expansion.

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City Council Reform: We’re Starting the Conversation

I’ve thought for several days now how I wanted to proceed regarding the survey on Minot’s City Council. Whether you participated or not, the results raise serious questions about our community. And while I have my opinion on what the results tell us, in a community like Minot — where we all know and trust

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City Council Survey: About the Survey & the Results

The City Council survey arose out of some research I did on the makeup of our City Council; it revealed this: compared to neighbor communities, Minot’s Council is quite large. Plus, over the past three election cycles (information further back was not as easily accessible), we’ve had few contested elections for Council seats. I presented

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City Council Survey: The Wrong Conclusions

If you’ve just landed on this page, and you don’t know what this is all about, you should probably go back to the beginning. This is the fifth post in a nine-part series, and before you read this, you need some context. Start here. If you’ve just read City Council Survey: The Survey & Results, you’re

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City Council Survey: Are These the Right Conclusions?

If you’ve just landed on this page, and you don’t know what this is all about, you should probably go back to the beginning. This is the sixth post in a nine-part series, and before you read this, you need some context. Start here. If you’ve just read City Council Survey: The Wrong Conclusions, you’re

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Let’s Fix a Broken System and Restore Trust in Leadership

Laws and institutions are constantly tending to gravitate. Like clocks, they must be occasionally cleansed, and wound up, and set to true time. --Henry Ward Beecher

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Leadership Says: On Restoring Trust in Local Leadership

Leadership Says is a semi-regular feature on The Minot Voice whereby we pose a question or topic to our elected leaders and ask for their thoughts. The Topic: At the City level, Minot has some serious trust issues as evidenced by our recent survey on the performance of our City Council. How did we get

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City Council Reform: #MakeMinot — Join the Conversation

Leave a comment The comment section is down there, just keep scrolling. If you have some quick thoughts or want to publicly show your support one way or another — here’s your chance. You’ll need to register, use your full name, and keep it civil. If you agree to all of that, we’ll be happy to

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