City of Minot Offers Free Holiday Landfill Access and Christmas Tree Disposal Options

The City of Minot will offer free dumping at the City Landfill to its sanitation customers between Dec. 23 and Jan. 4 to help dispose of household waste that could accumulate during the holidays. City of Minot Sanitation Superintendent Josh Kraft said residents receiving City sanitation services can dispose of trash at the landfill free

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West Fargo launches citywide ash tree removal in response to emerald ash borer

It’s coming. Time and nature will guarantee it. It’s an invasive species, the emerald ash borer. West Fargo is taking decisive steps to tackle what’s ahead. This pest feeds on bark, risking the health of the local tree population. To protect the area’s greenery, the city will replace affected trees with native species, boosting biodiversity

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