An Explanation of Your Property Tax Statement

Your property tax isn’t going away anytime soon, so you might as well take a minute and get acquainted with your statement. This video produced by the Tax Commissioner’s office let’s you know what to look for.

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Economic Lessons from Marathon Finishers?

When we set goals, we like nice round numbers… like finishing a marathon in under four hours. Often times, these goals are valuable motivators, but they also occasionally lead us towards bad decisions and outcomes. Read this article to inform your own behavior for the better.

Read & Share   sourced from: New York Times

Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative Had a Great Year!

It was so great that they’re paying back their customers in the form of $286 credit towards their electric bill during the months of November, December, and January.

Read & Share   sourced from: Williston Herald

Industrial Commission Approves Stricter Oil Shipping Standards

The new regulations are designed to reduce the volatility of Bakken crude. The new rules take effect April 1st. Get the details on the new restrictions in this informative article.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune

Northwest Landowners Association Meets in Stanley

The group had their annual meeting in Stanley on Saturday. The issues at hand… the impact of oil and gas development and the upcoming legislative session.

Read & Share   sourced from: Dickinson Press

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Black Hills Trucking Reaches Settlement With Dept. of Health, Agrees to Pay 10% Fine

The oil field trucking company operated for six years without a permit. In February, a Dept.  of Mineral Resources inspector witnessed them illegally dumping produced water directly on a road. The Dept of Mineral Resources is also pursuing charges.  

Read & Share   sourced from: Williston Herald

Enbridge Making Plans to Replace Dated Pipeline in Minnesota and Beyond

The first in series of open houses intended to inform and explain the company’s plan was held in Clearbrook, MN. The goal is to replace more than 1,000 miles of pipeline that was installed as early as 1968.

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald

Commentary on Oil Prices

The video below offers some pundit commentary on oil prices and the where the Bakken sits in the global picture. Do we have any local producers reading? What do you think? * Advertising delivered by outside content producer.

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Williston Herald Asks For More From State Oil Regulators

The New York Times certainly has people talking, and the Williston Herald for one is on board with State taking a stronger position against bad actors in the oil field. It’s an editorial worth your time.

Read & Share   sourced from: Williston Herald

A Quick Article on Understanding Oil Prices

Oil prices have been a big part of the national conversation lately, and here at home the consequences of price changes are ever present. Get a quick look at some of the basic factors that contribute to oil prices in this short article from The Washington Post.

Read & Share   sourced from: The Washington Post

Pipelines, Pulses, and Cowboys… The Leader-Post Daily Roudup

Three stories worth passing along from Regina’s Leader-Post. Oil boom triggering cowboy shortage on Prairies: Our appetite for oil is leading to higher prices for the burgers we so love. Wall blasts Ont., Que. for pipeline ‘conditions’: Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall calls conditions set by Ontario and Quebec Premiers as ‘out of line’. The issue at

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Is it Time for Little Self Examination?

The energy revolution we’ve been privileged to embrace over the past almost-ten years has been nothing short of remarkable. Western North Dakota has been transformed from poor to wealthy, from surviving to thriving, from a national after thought… to national and even world relevance. We are the standard bearer for creating a friendly, energy-development environment

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Report: Sage Grouse Need Three Mile Buffer to Protect Breeding Grounds From Drilling

This is the first report on an issue that has the potential to become a big story in energy development. The U.S.G.S. report did not make any management recommendations ahead of a court-ordered September 2015 deadline on conservation measures needed for the species.

Read & Share   sourced from: Associated Press

Plans Revealed for Possible Devils Lake Oil Refinery

A Vancouver based energy company revealed plans on their proposed $200 million plant capable of refining 20,000 barrels of oil per day.

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald

Enbridge and Berthold Elevator: Symbiosis

The two organizations are working together in Berthold and the result is a relationship that’s benefiting both. Bonnie Campo of KX News delivers a first hand look in this weeks Eye on Energy.

Read & Share   sourced from: KX News

Zero Percent State Income Tax Rate?

Representative Scott Louser will introduce the income tax bill in the up coming session.

Read & Share   sourced from: KX News