Planning Through Oil Booms Helps Independent Drillers Weather The Busts

Know anyone with a small oil-field service company? This article from NPR delivers a dose of financial common sense from a small business owner and oil industry survivor in Texas.

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Kevin Cramer: Time To Finish What Reagan Started And Lift The Oil Export Ban

Eight days after being inaugurated as the 40th president of the United States, Ronald Reagan signed an executive order eliminating price controls on crude oil and petroleum products implemented to increase domestic production and reduce energy demand.

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Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs Fame Breaks Down the Minimum Wage Debate

Mike Rowe has a way of unwrapping complex issues and putting them into everyday terms. His response to a letter about the minium wage is a great example. Consider it a must read.

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No Bust Seen as Dakota Oil Firms Keep Staff Amid Price Drop

The popular story right now is the low oil prices and the bust cycle of the oil industry, but if you’re listening closely, there are a few telling different tale. Are we witnessing a market adjustment? Yes. Is the sky falling? Not according to this report.

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Meet The Men Who Study Man Camps

Ever wondered what life in a man camp is like? Two U.N.D. professors did also, and they set out to study the phenomenon. What they’ve found so far are a lot of innovative residents and a housing model that is well suited to the growth and contraction cycles of the oil industry. Get the full

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Commentary: Oil Prices from a Canadian Perspective

BNN is a Canadian Business News television network. In this short video piece, you get some intelligent commentary on the state of oil prices and what can be expected over the next few months.

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Wastewater Spills In North Dakota: What The Data Tell Us

There’s a new player in the energy reporting game, and some of their early work is centering on the oil and brine spills that are taking place in North Dakota. There are several stories that have been published in past few days, all are linked below as well as some brief details about the news

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Oil Extraction Tax Reduction For New Wells Announced

It’s official, the first oil-tax reduction price trigger has been reached. Full news release follows below. — Official News Release, ND Tax Commissioner — Tax Commissioner Ryan Rauschenberger announced an oil extraction tax rate reduction for new wells today at a news conference. This incentive, also known as the “small trigger,” took effect on February

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It’s the Dollar, Not the Price of Oil, Pushing Boom & Bust Cycles

If you’re up for some economic analysis this morning, John Tamny at Forbes offers up some commentary on what the real culprit is when it comes to oil price swings and the resulting market expansion and contractions.

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Interactive: The View of Fracking Flares From Space

Flaring isn’t ideal — it’s literally burning up a valuable natural resource, and we need to continue to push the oil and gas industry towards reducing and finally eliminating the practice. That process will take a some time, but here’s a not-so-subtle reminder of why it’s important.

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Legislature to Wrestle with Multiple Income Tax Proposals

There are lots of income tax related bills on the legislative agenda this session, Jessica Holdman from the Bismarck Tribune provides a nice overview of the bills and informative commentary from State Tax Commissioner Ryan Rauschenberger.

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Low Prices Raise Alarm in North Dakota Oil Patch

The latest national media piece hits all the usual themes, low prices, uncertainty, moving ahead anyway, history of boom and bust, hopeful for a price rebound. You’ve read it before and this won’t be the last one, but when these are published we’ll pass them along.

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Labs Testing Yellowstone River Fish After Oil Spill

Montana officials are anxious to see the impact — if any — on fish in the Yellowstone following last month’s oil spill, and that starts with good science. The article here walks you through the sampling and testing process required to get meaningful data.

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Shake Shack IPO Portends Shakeup of Fast Food Industry

Shake Shack’s IPO was Friday and investors scooped up stock for the Manhattan-based burger chain driving the price up well beyond the forecast. With the early money betting hungry customers will follow, it’s a single event that illustrates broader changes taking place in the fast-food business.

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Where Do the Rigs Go?

As oil prices have dropped, so has the rig count, but where do all the inactive rigs go? It turns out that the law sets a few restrictions on where and for how long. Full story from the Dickinson Press.

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Oil Patch Surge Funding Passes in Senate

The oil-patch spending bill has grown to more than $1.1 billion, yet it sailed through the Senate nearly unopposed, passing 44-2. The bill is designed fast-track funding for the oil-impacted western part of the state so projects can get underway first thing this spring.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune