Sandpiper Pipeline on Hold as Minnesota P.S.C. Reviews Findings

Approval of Enbridge’s Sandpiper pipeline, a proposed natural gas and oil pipeline through Northern Minnesota, is stuck in bureaucracy. Minnesota’s Public Service Commission needs to weigh in on the issue, but, it won’t be on their agenda for months.

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Produced Water Pipeline Spill Reported Near Mandaree

The pipeline spill is believed to have released ~220,000 gallons (~7,000 barrels) of produced water into a field. No direct impacts to waterways or water sources have been observed. More from The Dickinson Press.

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Seattle Restaurants Scramble To Pay A Higher Minimum Wage

Seattle is in the middle of a grand experiment, and one that comes with considerable risk. Over the next several years, the city will phase in a $15 minimum wage. And in the early going, it’s putting a lot of pressure on small businesses, especially restaurants.

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Video: Sewage Disposal Company Dumps in Recreation Area, Calls it a Misunderstanding

A sanitation and sewage disposal company with a less-than-stellar track record was confronted on video this week after dumping sewage near a Mandaree-area recreation spot. The company — Bakken’s Best Sanitation — is permitted for land application of septic waste and claims to have had permission from the landowner. According to Amy Dalrymple writing for

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Democracy Cafe Hosts NPR Radio Journalists from Inside Energy

Journalists Emily Guerin and Leigh Paterson of Inside Energy were in Minot yesterday speaking in front of Minot State students and faculty on the Bakken oil fields impact on the country and the world.

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What If? Enbridge Practices for Pipeline Spill

The exercise involved around 200 state, local, and federal officials along with Enbridge employees. The idea — if a spill happens, they’ll have some experience with dealing with it. The coincidental timing of the Heimdal train derailment illustrates the importance of these drills.

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Official: Some of 63,000-gallon brine spill has reached lake

A 63,000 gallon — 2,000 barrel pipeline spill has resulted in some water entering a tributary and likely finding its way into Smishek Lake. Smishek Lake is near Powers Lake, about 75 miles West Northwest of Minot.

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What the Future of Oil Drilling Will Look Like

There are few things evolving more quickly than the technology being applied in the oil field, and the price slow down will only further incentivize innovation. Take a peek at some industry trends in this article from the Wall Street Journal.

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First New American Refinery in Decades Opens in Dickinson

The Dakota Prairie Refinery is in production. The Dickinson refinery has the capacity to handle 20,000 barrels of crude oil per day and will produce approximately 7,000 barrels of diesel fuel in the same time period.

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Bakken: Area Company Touts New Way to Eliminate Dangerous Hydrogen Sulfide

Hydrogen Sulfide is bad stuff, and with certain wells in the oil field it’s a reality that must be dealt with. A company with roots in Southwest North Dakota developed a system that removes the gas and produces an acidic byproduct that cleans disposal wells.

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DOT’s Releases New Oil Train Safety Regulations, Senator Hoeven’s Comments

The U.S. Dept. of Transportation issued new rules regulating the transportation of flammable liquids by rail. The notable regulations: a timeline for replacing outdated tanker cars with newer cars, a new braking standard for certain trains, and new operational guidelines including speed limits in some cases. The news release from the DOT is included below,

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Oil Price Prognosticators Say $75 For a While

While it seems like the oil slowdown may actually be a good thing in some ways — everyone gets a chance to catch their breath, there’s no doubt everyone would prefer prices just a little higher than they are. And that’s what market forecasters are betting money on.

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PSC Approves Three Power and Energy Projects in Oil Patch

Three significant energy infrastructure projects were approved by the Pubic Service Commission. The total investment for a transmission line and two upgrades at power generating plants in the oil patch amounts to more than $445 million. Details from the Dickinson Press.  

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U.S., Canada Will Have Oil Train Safety Plan Friday

An official announcement will be made Friday that Canada and the U.S. have found common ground in how to manage the additional crude oil that is being shipped by rail.

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House, Senate pass PSC budget with Rail Safety Program

Senate Bill 2008 was approved by a wide margin. It allocates more than $500k for two state funded railroad safety inspectors through 2019. These inspectors would be in addition to several federal inspectors already providing oversight in the state.

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Investigators Release records of fiery Casselton derailment

The final report from federal investigators into the 2013 Casselton/BNSF train derailment has been released. Get the details on the report from AP writer Josh Funk as published on

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