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SavorMinot is a new member of the MinotVoice family. It's all about what's happening from the businesses that #MakeMinot special!

Sweetly Sour Sundays!

DateSunday, March 16th

LocationAtypical Brewery & Barrelworks

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Pull Tab Happy Hour!

DateMarch 17th — March 19th

LocationBlue Rider

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Record Store Day 2025

DateSaturday, April 12th

LocationBudget Music & Video

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NewsMISSING: Burke County Sheriff’s Office Seeking Help

Shannon Gandrud, 43, was last seen November 1st in Lignite. If you have any information on his whereabouts you’re asked to contact the Burke County Sheriff. Get a photograph and more details from KX News. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: KX News

NewsCollege Applications Made Easier

A little advice from someone who’s been through the process recently and a little financial support to help lower income students… it’s all apart of Minot’s College Application Day at Minot High. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: KMOT

NewsEarly Tests Show No Water Contamination from Bakken Drilling

This is good news for everyone on the northern prairie. It suggests that so far… we’ve had responsible, competent drillers working. But the U.S. Geological Survey cautions that results are by no means definitive as it was a relatively small sample size. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Associated Press

NewsRepresentative Cramer Sponsors Bill to Reform Science Advisory Board

The Science Advisory Board is intended to review the scientific foundation behind many of the EPA's regulatory decisions. Unfortunately, it has not been functioning in exactly that manner. [...]

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NewsSenators Hoeven and Heitkamps Comments of Keystone Vote

The Keystone pipe failed to gain approval in the senate yesterday; the vote came up one short of the required 60 it needed for approval. It was expected that President Obama would have vetoed the bill, but the work will continue. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune

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NewsMeet Mark Fox, Newly Elected Tribal Chairman

The election was only a couple weeks ago, but Three Affiliated Tribes Chairman Mark fox already has the tribe on new paths. Perhaps the most important one… walking more towards responsible oil development and away from the seeming gold rush development mentality. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Dickinson Press

NewsThe Drugs in the Mail

Rising population has also meant a rise in crime, and illegal drug trafficking is a growing problem. While most drugs are brought in through distribution channels from the West and South, prescription drugs in particular are often delivered by the various postal services. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: KMOT

NewsJail Expansion Vote Set for

The price tag is $41 million… in return we’ll get expansion and renovations to the existing Ward County jail just east of the Court House. The expansion would add more than a hundred beds. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: KX News

NewsMan Shot to Death at Dickinson Apartment Complex

The name of the victim has not been released. Police are looking for a dark green Chrysler 300 model years 2005-2010 with out state plates that may have been involved. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Dickinson Press

NewsCarbon Credit Conservation Program Gets a Start

The program compensates land owners for agreeing to keep land in grass, a natural carbon storage mechanism. The test program is being run on 11,000 acres in  6 central North Dakota counties. Partners in the program include Ducks Unlimited, Chevrolet, and the USDA. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune

NewsMeet Tigirlily: North Dakota’s Homegrown Pop Country Act

Krista and Kendra Slaubaugh are recording artists and rising pop stars hailing from the unlikely town of Hazen. Here’s your video introduction from KMOT News. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: KMOT

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CurioPost Modern Jukebox: Burn

This band will get featured regularly in this section. Not only are they extremely talented both instrumentally and vocally, but they provide us with that all-to-rare perspective shift taking a song straight out of pop music and rearranging it to make it fit from another era. Here they are offering up their own version of Ellie [...]

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NewsREVOLUTION: 30 Blood Tests With a Single Drop of Blood

The days of multiple vials and anxiety-inducing blood draws may soon be nothing more than a distant memory. Theranos and founder Elizabeth Holmes developed a new test that isn’t as much a technological achievement as it is staggering leap forward in health care. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: WIRED

NewsCannabis Used to Shrink Aggressive Brain Cancer

Anecdotal evidence has long been used in defending medicinal uses of marijuana, but increasingly, strong, peer reviewed scientific evidence showing the value of the drug. This study showed that cannabis combined with radiotherapy was effective at stopping growth of an aggressive brain cancer. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Science Alert

CurioWill We Rise to Meet The Expectations of Our Science Fiction?

If we can imagine ourselves in a different, better world, will we go about creating it? The article doesn’t reach quite that far (unless you read between the lines), but it does suggest science fiction is playing a vital role in creating the world anew. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: New America

NewsCable TV Chord Cutting On the Rise

Minot Voice Editorial: The news you’ll read on Quartz informs the recently surging net neutrality debate. It’s easy to imagine a protectionist agenda from our big-corporation cable and media providers in light of a rapidly changing market place that favors choice. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Quartz