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Atypical Brewery Cide Quest and Chess

On Tap Right Now!

DateMarch 11th — March 16th

LocationAtypical Brewery & Barrelworks

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Hamm’s & Grilled Cheese (w/Tomato Bisque Reduction): 6$

DateTuesday, March 11th

LocationBlue Rider

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Record Store Day 2025

DateSaturday, April 12th

LocationBudget Music & Video

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NewsCrosby Teacher Turns the Table on Student Learning

A Crosby teacher has found a way to take a break, but keep the students learning.  He put the kids in charge of teaching the lesson, and the results are encouraging. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Crosby Journal

News‘Welcome to Leith’ Packing Theaters at Sundance

The story of Leith and the attempted takeover by a white supremacist has gone to the big screen, and the documentary movie, “Welcome to Leith, Know Your Neighbors,”, is drawing strong reviews and packing theaters at the Sundance Film Festival. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune

Quote: On the Pillars of Western Civilization

Western civilization, it seems to me, stands by two great heritages. One is the scientific spirit of adventure — the adventure into the unknown, an unknown which must be recognized as being unknown in order to be explored; the demand... Learn More  

NewsLong-term Flood Protection Likely to Start in Rural Areas

Part II of Jim Olson’s look at the state of long-term flood protection in the Souris Valley continues with this feature on one of the likely first steps — protecting many of the rural residents and properties. Of course, everything depends on funding. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: KX News

CurioWithout This Woman’s Help, Lewis and Clark Were Goners

The Smithsonian Channel’s Aerial America features a couple short videos that show off North Dakota and some of her history. If you follow the link out, make sure you scroll down after the Sacajawea video to catch videos on Teddy Roosevelt and John Jacob Astor. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Smithsonian Channel

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NewsBill to Encourage Use of Natural Gas Vehicles

The bill would provide financial incentives to retail locations that install natural gas filling equipment and grants to consumers who purchase or convert vehicles to run on natural gas. Full details from [...]

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CommentaryCommentary on Keeping Schools Safe

A few bills on school safety are working through the legislature. One bill would provide funding for school resource officers, another would allow for specially permitted concealed weapons. For more details and some valuable commentary check out Rob Port’s thoughts at Say Anything [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Say Anything

NewsU.S. House of Representatives Passes Legislation to Combat Human Trafficking

Congressman Cramer issued a news release on House of Representative action against human trafficking. In total, twelve bills were passed which address the issue in whole and reach into areas such as law enforcement, victim support, foster care, awareness training, and welfare. The legislation passed by the U.S. House today will complement work currently underway in [...]

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NewsNew Nickname Plan on its Way to UND President | Grand Forks Herald

It’s not a new nickname yet, but it’s the plan that will lead to one, and the UND President will hear about it Friday.     [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald

NewsRevised TENORM Regulations Would Have Significant Economic Impact

You know that low-level radioactive waste left over from oil production, the stuff that’s been in the news recently? It turns out that if we allow it to be disposed of in-state, an enormous amount of money would be saved — some estimates count it at $120 million. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Reuters

NewsWhy Dump Treated Wastewater When You Could Make Beer With It?

If we can turn sewage into drinking water and then into beer, it begs the question — why are we pumping our used fracking water underground? 😀 [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: NPR

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CurioThe Bizarre Mirages That Once Scared the Bejesus Out of Sailors

Ever wonder where the myths and wild stories of the sea came from? Here’s the science the explains the mirage phenomenon in an easy to understand article from Wired. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: WIRED

NewsBakken Construction CEO: Amount of Catch-up, Future Work is High

Stories in the news telling of a ‘Bakken Bust’ have reached a fever pitch recently, but there are a lot of people in the know who are telling a different story. Here’s one of those ‘alternative’ stories that’s worth a read. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Bakken Magazine

NewsExplosives Found at RV Park Near Watford City

McKenzie County Sherriff Deputies responded to a report of an individual carrying guns at Watford City RV park and after searching the suspect’s property, they discovered two improvised explosive devices. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: KMOT

NewsLynn Helms Briefs Industrial Commission on Oil Field Related Bills

Department of Mineral Resource Director Lynn Helms briefed the Industrial Commission on bills active in the legislature that may impact management and regulation of oil and gas operations in the state. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune

NewsAccidental deaths from drug use on the rise in North Dakota

Over the past 15 years, the number of annual deaths caused by drug overdoses has grown dramatically. And the scary part, we don’t really know how bad the problem is or where to begin fighting it because Department of Health is not tracking the data. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: InForum