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Enjoy FAT Tuesday w/ Food & Fun!

DateMarch 1st — March 4th

LocationMagic City Hoagies

Co Hosts The Spot

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Spring Break & FUN @ Ice Cream Social & Milkshake Bar

DateMarch 1st — March 31st

LocationMagic City Sweets Ice Cream Shop

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Record Store Day 2025

DateSaturday, April 12th

LocationBudget Music & Video

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NewsRevised TENORM Regulations Would Have Significant Economic Impact

You know that low-level radioactive waste left over from oil production, the stuff that’s been in the news recently? It turns out that if we allow it to be disposed of in-state, an enormous amount of money would be saved — some estimates count it at $120 million. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Reuters

NewsWhy Dump Treated Wastewater When You Could Make Beer With It?

If we can turn sewage into drinking water and then into beer, it begs the question — why are we pumping our used fracking water underground? 😀 [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: NPR

CurioThe Bizarre Mirages That Once Scared the Bejesus Out of Sailors

Ever wonder where the myths and wild stories of the sea came from? Here’s the science the explains the mirage phenomenon in an easy to understand article from Wired. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: WIRED

NewsBakken Construction CEO: Amount of Catch-up, Future Work is High

Stories in the news telling of a ‘Bakken Bust’ have reached a fever pitch recently, but there are a lot of people in the know who are telling a different story. Here’s one of those ‘alternative’ stories that’s worth a read. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Bakken Magazine

NewsExplosives Found at RV Park Near Watford City

McKenzie County Sherriff Deputies responded to a report of an individual carrying guns at Watford City RV park and after searching the suspect’s property, they discovered two improvised explosive devices. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: KMOT

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NewsLynn Helms Briefs Industrial Commission on Oil Field Related Bills

Department of Mineral Resource Director Lynn Helms briefed the Industrial Commission on bills active in the legislature that may impact management and regulation of oil and gas operations in the state. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune

NewsAccidental deaths from drug use on the rise in North Dakota

Over the past 15 years, the number of annual deaths caused by drug overdoses has grown dramatically. And the scary part, we don’t really know how bad the problem is or where to begin fighting it because Department of Health is not tracking the data. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: InForum

NewsMinnesota Considers Plan to Forgive Student Loans of Rural Health Practicioners

The Minnesota legislature is looking at forgiving or reducing student debt to newly trained health professionals who are willing to practice in rural areas. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald

NewsIndustrial Commission Calls for Better Monitoring of Pipelines

Gov. Dalrymple’s comments regarding saltwater pipelines from the Fargo Forum article, “We are in the process of developing a comprehensive set of rules regarding that type of line, but we maybe want to accelerate a couple of pieces of that.” [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: InForum

NewsHarold Hamm Comments on Oil Prices and Industry Cut Backs

You’ve heard the pundits comment on the state of the oil boom, but here’s your chance to listen to the guy who’s been more successful than anyone by investing his own money in the Bakken. Spoiler, he’s not betting on a bleak future. [...]

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NewsCost of Flood Protection on the Rise, Time Frame Also Extending

The cost of comprehensive flood protection for Minot looks like it will top $1 billion. The completion timeframe looks like it still many years away, but engineers continue with planning in spite of an uncertain funding package. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: KX News

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NewsCity of Minot Finance Committee Recommends Hiring Attorney

The downtown parking garage fiasco looks like it will be in the hands of the lawyers. The City of Minot Finance Committee recommended hiring an attorney to handle the case for the City. The decision will now go to the full City Council. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: KMOT

NewsKMOT Ag Expo Sticking to Recipe

The 44th annual KMOT Ag Show kicks off today at the State Fair Center here in Minot, and Todd Telin, the event manager, is sticking to the usual game plan. The show runs through Friday and is expected to attract 30,000-40,000 visitors. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald

NewsElevators Installing Fertilizer Capacity

Elevators across the northern plains are adding capacity for fertilizer in order meet the time sensitive demands of the growing season.   [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald

NewsND Highways: 2014 in Review

— Official News Release, ND Highway Patrol — Last year proved to be another busy year on North Dakota roadways. Troopers made 1,677 DUI arrests and 1,049 drug-related arrests. Lack of seat belt use continued to contribute to injuries and deaths. Fifty-five percent of fatal crash victims were unrestrained.  Preliminary numbers show 136 people died [...]

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NewsSchool Resource Officer Pilot Program Floated

Lawmakers are considering a bill that would provide funding for school resource officers in rural districts. In Committee, testimony on the bill by education officials was favorable. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune