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Poppa's Place Food Truck at Atypical Brewery

Poppa’s Place Pop-up

Thursday, December 26th

Atypical Brewery & Barrelworks

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Nacho Average Thursday

Thursday, December 26th

Blue Rider

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NewsParking Garage Construction Set to Move Forward

At a press conference this afternoon, Minot’s City Manager Lee Staab delivered welcome news on the construction status of two downtown parking garages. Listen to Mr. Staab’s comments below. — Official News Release, City of Minot — At a press conference held today, Minot City Manager Lee Staab informed the citizens of Minot that work [...]

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Quote: On the Value of Healthy, Athletic Competition

Sports have the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sports can create hope, where... Learn More  

CommentaryThe MARC: The Minot Voice Says ‘Yes’

Six weeks from today, you’ll have the opportunity cast your vote on the MARC — The Minot Aquatics & Recreation Center. The typical modus operandi for a news organization is to cover the details of the story up to the election, and then a few days prior publish an editorial expressing an opinion on the [...]

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NewsThe MARC: Election Headquarters

We’re on a mission to make you a ridiculously well-informed voter and towards that end we’ve put everything related to the Minot Aquatics & Recreation Center together on a single page. Get news, opinion, election details and a lot more, right here. [...]

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Quote: The Hard Progress Won Before Us…

All that separates, whether of race, class, creed or sex, is inhuman and must be overcome. Learn More  

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Quote: Somewhere on the Prairie…

As the cowboys gathered round him I heard one of 'em say There'll never be another bronc like the one that died today But out there on the prairie there's a mare with mustang blood And a colt runs close... Learn More  

Quote: Perspectives of a True Planetary Outsider

For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much — the wheel, New York, wars and so on — whilst all the dolphins had ever done... Learn More  

NewsMinot Native Competing in Iditarod Sled Dog Race

Mark Selland, a Minot native now living in Alaska, will be making his first run in the Iditarod — the more than 1,000 mile sled dog race through Alaska’s interior. Melinda Bolton with KX News spoke with Selland prior to today’s start, see the video here. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: KX News

NewsHistorical Native American Sports in the Classroom

KX News series Eye on Education goes to Burlington to take a look at some of the athletic past times of the prairie’s original residents. [...]

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NewsBackers say Digital Driver’s Licenses Worth a Look

Most of us now carry a phone with us everywhere we go, and the technology to turn that device into digital personal identification is becoming a reality… so much so that lawmakers are pushing for a study to examine the idea for North Dakota. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Dickinson Press

NewsGreat Gap Year Programs for Outdoor-Loving Students

Got a kid who isn’t quite ready for a serious education or maybe just finished but isn’t sure what to do? Taking a year off isn’t always the worst idea in the world, and these are programs provide a structured way to do something constructive. [...]

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Quote: On the Short Run of a Powerful Voice

And today’s cultural climate might have made it more difficult for him to render a boy’s imaginative life in a realistic way. Calvin fantasizes not just about dinosaurs flying F-14s but also about shooting up his school with a tank.... Learn More  

NewsNews Release: City’s NDRC Application is Online

The City of Minot’s National Disaster Resilience Competition is now online and open for public comment. You can read the full news release below. If you want to view the application in PDF format, check it out here. — News Release, City of Minot — The City of Minot will hold a PUBLIC REVIEW and [...]

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NewsPublic Notice: City of Minot’s Disaster Resilience Application Available for Review

Public Notice for Comment Draft National Disaster Resilience Competition Phase I Application NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Minot will hold a PUBLIC REVIEW and COMMENT PERIOD for the purpose of soliciting citizens’ review and comment on the submission of a PHASE I Application for the National Disaster Resilience Competition (NDRC) to the [...]

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CommentaryThe MARC: What do You Want to Know?

We’re a little over six weeks away from casting a deciding vote on the future of indoor recreation in Minot and our goal over that period will be to transform you into the most informed voter on a single topic that has ever existed. The Minot Voice has a game plan in place, but we’d [...]

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NewsThis Guy Is Creating an All-New Cell Network Built by You

Do we really need all these huge cell towers? A silicon valley inventor isn’t sure we have to accept them and has developed an alternative method of staying constantly connected. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: WIRED