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Scott (AKA Bock) Poking

Saturday, January 11th

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Saturday, January 11th

Blue Rider

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January 13th — January 15th

Blue Rider

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NewsManitoba: $1 billion needed to shore up flood protection on Assiniboine

A report commissioned by Manitoba warns flood protection in the province has dozens of significant weaknesses and needs $1 billion in spending. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: CTV

NewsCommentary: $3.7 Billion Pipeline Project Approved

With all the dire news on the price of oil, there are still many who are bullish on the future of North Dakota oil. So much so, one company is moving forward with pipeline investment that will cost more than $3 billion. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Say Anything

NewsND tax revenues $63 million below forecast in December

In the first six months of the biennium, revenues for the state are $215 million below what was forecast. The news has legislators calling for new information from Moody’s Analytics and the shortfall seems likely to trigger some automatic spending cuts. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: InForum

NewsSchools Prepare for the Every Student Succeeds Act

The result of the Every Student Succeeds Act — more local control. State officials have formed a taskforce to look at how we in North Dakota will be measuring the success rates of our students and schools.  KMOT News has the story. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: KMOT

NewsFarmers take flight

Christmas was a very merry season for drone makers and farmers. A report from Minneapolis-based Sentera, an imaging company that provides equipment for photographing fields, suggests as many as 45,000 new pilots will be in the fields this year. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald

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NewsMinot Community Talks Safety Following Rash of Break-Ins

Crime was the primary topic at a neighborhood gathering earlier this week. The message from Minot Police officer Aaron Moss, “Don’t live in fear”, but be smart too. Lock up valuables and put things away so you won’t a victim of a crime of opportunity. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: KMOT

NewsManitoba flood forecasters move into new facility

As the season of flood concern draws closer, forecasters responsible for watching water levels in Manitoba are starting this season in a new office with state-of-the-art equipment. It’s an improvement brought forward based on lessons learned in 2011. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Winnipeg Free Press

NewsWinnipeg Making the Most of River Recreation Opportunities

When life gives you winter, make winter fun. That seems to be the attitude of the folks in Winnipeg who convert the Assiniboine and Red Rivers into frozen skating trails when the ice becomes safe enough. Maybe it’s an idea for the Souris River too. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Winnipeg Free Press

NewsBillings County trades for Eberts Ranch gravel

A gravel mining operation near Teddy Roosevelt’s Elkhorn Ranch is being reviewed by a judge after the case was brought forward by conversation group. Supporters of the operation say the area will be mined and reclaimed to better-than-current condition. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune

NewsConcerns of Zika Virus Cases Spreading in US

Zika Virus is a new-to-the-Americas mosquito-spread disease. It’s of most concern to pregnant women because if contracted, it may cause a brain development disorder in the fetus. This news story provides valuable background. [...]

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NewsMinot Police Officer Attacked by Dog

Tuesday night, Minot police were responding to a suspicious vehicle behind a business on North Broadway when an officer was attacked by a dog. The incident resulted in the officer shooting and killing the dog. The full news release from the Minot Police Department follows below. The occupant of the vehicle was arrested on multiple [...]

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NewsImplications of an Extended Period of Low Price Oil

As oil prices continue to drop and the downturn starts to feel more like near-term reality versus cyclical period, there are real financial consequences for those working and speculating in the oil industry. Reuters provides an in-depth look at what may be ahead. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Reuters

NewsCity of Minot Awarded $74 Million in Disaster Resilience Competition

Minot’s application in HUD’s National Disaster Resilience Competition has proven enormously successful. Word from Washington via the Senators Hoeven and Heitkamp is that Minot has been awarded $74.3 million in federal funding. The award marks the culmination of a 14-month process, numerous public meetings, and a final application focused on projects intended to make the [...]

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NewsBismarck: Legacy’s schedule offers flexibility, development of unique courses

At Bismarck’s newest high school, students are playing a bigger role in shaping their daily schedules. The relaxed regulations allow students to build their own curriculums and teachers the chance to tailor classes towards topics that generate student interest. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune

CommentaryThe Five States of America

It would be tempting to write about more compelling current issues such as Donald Trump’s hair, Bernie Sanders’s hair, Marco Rubio’s high heeled shoes, Chris Christie’s weight, why Jeb  isn’t using his last name, why Ted Cruz still puts greasy kid stuff in his hair, or why Hillary didn’t divorce Bill. Instead, allow me to [...]

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CommentaryWatching America from Abroad

Let me start by saying I love my home state and country. I grew up in Minot,  but I have been living and working in Vancouver, Canada since 2004. I noticed something happened when I started living abroad and listening to foreign news sources. They are more likely to report the news by telling what [...]

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