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Sweetly Sour Sundays!

Sunday, January 12th

Atypical Brewery & Barrelworks

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Pull Tab Happy Hour!

January 13th — January 15th

Blue Rider

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NewsBe Aware: Minot Police Warn Residents of Traffic Violation Email Scam

The Minot Police Department is warning residents to be on the lookout for an email scam telling recipients they’ve committed a traffic violation. Law enforcement agencies do not notify citizens of violations via email. The full news release on the story follows below. — Official News Release, Minot Police Department — The Minot Police Department [...]

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NewsListen: Old-Ramstad School Site a Priority for Disaster Resilience Funding

In January, the City of Minot was awarded ~$74 million through the Housing and Urban Development’s National Disaster Resilience Competition. Since the award announcement, the City has been patiently awaiting federal guidance as to which parts of our competition application were funded, and as of the June 21 Park Board meeting, it seems the City [...]

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CommentaryFlood Therapy: Tell us all the ways in which the water displeased you

Yesterday, the City and local officials commemorated the 5-year anniversary of the sounding of the sirens. Back in 2011, those sirens signaled the start of the flood. Their sound lasted only a few minutes; the water stayed for weeks. And the ripples of its effect will be bouncing around Minot for decades to come. There’s [...]

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NewsBids Opened for Early Phases of Minot Flood Protection [Video]

The heavy lifting on the first phases of flood protection in Minot won’t begin until next spring, but a couple of smaller projects directly related to the overall plan will get underway yet this summer. Bids were opened Wednesday morning on the Phase MI-2A, Perkett Ditch Improvement project and a smaller project that will modify [...]

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CommentaryOPINON: Calling Minot’s Elected Leaders & Shane Goettle, Where Are You?

It was back in May that the City re-upped with our lobbyist in Bismarck, Shane Goettle. The two-year contract we gave him is no small sum. It’s worth $3,500 per month when the legislature is not in session and $7,500 per month when it is. Over the two-year life of the contract, the City of [...]

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CommentaryTuesday Voters Call for #Change in North Dakota and Minot

The Tuesday, June 14, 2016 election was a gut shot for several “establishments” in North Dakota. The establishment of the Republican legislative super-majority took it in the shorts from the voters who crushed the corporate farming bill. One of the legislators who had sponsored the corporate farming bill complained to the media about the “lies” of [...]

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News2016 Election: Meet Your Minot City Council Candidates

This coming Tuesday is an election day across North Dakota. For state offices, this is a standard primary election whereby we narrow the field down to the final candidates who will appear on the November ballot. But for local races, this is it. This is your only chance to cast a vote for our City [...]

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News2016 Election: Meet Your Minot Public Schools School Board Candidates

This coming Tuesday is an election day across North Dakota. For state offices, this is a standard primary election whereby we narrow the field down to the final candidates who will appear on the November ballot. But for local races, this is it. This is your only chance to cast a vote for our City [...]

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NewsElection 2016: Meet Your Minot Park Board Candidates

This coming Tuesday is an election day across North Dakota. For state offices, this is a standard primary election whereby we narrow the field down to the final candidates who will appear on the November ballot. But for local races, this is it. This is your only chance to cast a vote for our City [...]

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CommentaryEditorial: A ‘Yes’ Vote on Tuesday is the Best Choice for Minot

On Tuesday, we’re all charged with offering our vote on an important decision for Minot’s future. City Council reform has been the topic of local conversations for the past ten months. And many have argued the question we’re answering Tuesday is really a choice between Wards and an at-large system.That’s probably true. Most have accepted [...]

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NewsCommunity Facility Committee Recommends Softball Field Project, Parker Senior Center Renovation, DVCC Funding

Back between the 1st and second flood evacuations in 2011, the citizens of Minot approved a sales tax reallocation. Before that, the second penny of our 2-cent sales tax was earmarked for use in the NAWS project, but with voter approval in June of 2011, the second penny is now used towards 40% capital infrastructure, [...]

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NewsZebra Mussels are Here, Boaters & Anglers Need to Be Vigilant to Stop the Spread

One of the many North Dakota hometowns I claim is LaMoure, in the southeastern part of the state. The James River runs by just off the western edge of town, and it was there, at a popular fishing spot called the James River Dam site, that some of the first Asian carp in the state [...]

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CommentaryCincinnati Street Art Scene a Gold Mine of Ideas for Minot

The Minot Street Art Movement is just finding its legs, and in a few weekends this spring, volunteers associated with the project have made a dramatic impact on downtown Minot. If you haven’t checked out the alley just East of Main street, do yourself a favor and take a downtown stroll. And while you’re admiring [...]

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CommentaryOn transparency, it’s time for the City of Minot to Start Exceeding Expectations

Transparency was a popular theme at Minot’s recent meet the candidates forums. But when the 14th is behind us, we all need to do a better job of holding elected officials accountable to the task. To put it simply, the City is clearing the low bar when it comes to transparency. But in a town [...]

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CurioLearn: Summer Boat Ramp Ettiquette

Even with more places to fish, boat and enjoy the water than ever before in North Dakota, the increase in opportunity also means an increase in anglers, boats and personal watercraft. It’s a unique combination that can lead to isolated problems at boat ramps when everyone has the same idea: Get on the water sooner [...]

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NewsOn the Agenda: A Home for TJ Maxx, Finance Committee Contemplates $19.4 Million for CDM Smith

It’s committee week for the City of Minot. That means the four standing committees that have business to advance to the full City Council meet before the regular monthly meeting. Typically these items are advanced by staff for discussion at the committee level, and if approved, forwarded to the full council for adoption. Here are [...]

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