The Invisible Crisis Threatening America’s Food Superpower Status

Water, water, everywhere underground for all the crops to drink. But it’s staring to run out. And when it does, so will our food security. The video from the Wall Street Journal has the full story.

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Is It Insanity That Drives Congressional Approval Ratings?

The present approval rating of Congress, especially the House of Representatives, has a well-deserved abysmal approval rating with the American public. For those who think this may be a modern phenomenon, let’s take a trip back in time to the 1840s. At that time, classic American poet, Walt Whitman, was a journalist in New York

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A Republican Primary Process Predicament?

Polls are somewhat similar to a carpenter’s tool. They are as valuable as the skills of the artisan utilizing them. I recall a very pleasant one on one dinner in 1995 with the head of a “special interest” group based out of Washington, D.C. My dinner companion was a self-made man who due to talent,

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