Today is Monday, February 12th. The sun will rise on the 54th day of winter, and the 43rd day of the year at 7:57 AM. We will see 10 hours 5 minutes of daylight before it sets at 6:02 PM.
Currently we have clear skies. The temperature is 20 degrees. The wind is 10 mph out of the West. With wind and humidity factored, it feels like 9 degrees. Today, we are expecting cloudy and cool weather. The temperature will reach a high of 31°F with winds 0-5 mph out of the Northwest.
On This Day
On this day in 1804, the first self-propelled steam locomotive made its inaugural run in Wales. This technological marvel revolutionized transportation and paved the way for the expansion of railways around the world.
Born & Died: Abraham Lincoln, (Born, 1809) 16th President of the United States, Charles Darwin, (Born, 1809) English naturalist and geologist, Judy Blume, (Born, 1938) American author, Bill Russell, (Born, 1934) American basketball player and coach, Arsenio Hall, (Born, 1956) American comedian and talk show host, Josh Brolin, (Born, 1968) American actor, Christina Ricci, (Born, 1980) American actress
Today is: National Plum Pudding Day,National Football Hangover Day,National Clean Out Your Computer Day
Upcoming Fun
A Start in Art! @TaubeMuseum | Tuesday, February 13th, Blue Rider Dance Party! @BlueRider | Saturday, February 17th, The Variety Show & Dinner @HeritageSingers | Thursday, February 29th
SavorMinot’s guest writer for today is the 16th President of the United States Abraham Lincoln . Read and grade the results here.