Today is Sunday, February 11th. The sun will rise on the 53rd day of winter, and the 42nd day of the year at 7:59 AM. We will see 10 hours 1 minute of daylight before it sets at 6:00 PM.
Currently we have clear skies. The temperature is 15 degrees. The wind is 8 mph out of the South. With wind and humidity factored, it feels like 5 degrees. Today, we are expecting scattered clouds and cool temperatures. The temperature will reach a high of 35°F with winds 10-15 mph out of the West.
On This Day
On this day in 1990, Nelson Mandela was released from Victor Verster Prison after 27 years of imprisonment. Mandela’s release marked a turning point in South Africa’s struggle against apartheid and set the stage for his eventual presidency and the country’s transition to democracy.
Born & Died: Burt Reynolds, (Born, 1936) American actor known for roles in “Smokey and the Bandit” and “Boogie Nights”, Jennifer Aniston, (Born, 1969) American actress known for her role on “Friends”, Thomas Edison, (Born, 1847) American inventor and businessman known for the electric light bulb and phonograph, Sheryl Crow, (Born, 1962) American singer-songwriter known for hits like “All I Wanna Do” and “If It Makes You Happy”, Leslie Nielsen, (Born, 1926) Canadian actor known for his roles in “Airplane!” and “The Naked Gun” films, Sarah Palin, (Born, 1964) American politician and commentator.
Today is: National White Shirt Day/ White T-Shirt Day,National Shut-In Visitation Day,National Peppermint Patty Day,National Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day,National Make A Friend Day,National Pork Rind Day,National Inventors’ Day
Upcoming Fun
A Pie & 2 Pints at Atypical Brewery – Valentine’s Day Special! @Atypical | Wednesday, February 14th, Valentine’s Day Dinner @OTV | Wednesday, February 14th, Valentine’s Day Dinner for Two @WhiskeyNine | Wednesday, February 14th
Today’s Happenings!
Brunch! @Arny’s
Downtown Skating & Curling! (February Schedule) @CitzensAlley
Muffelatta Pizza (Our February Feature) @Arny’s
Taylor Swift Watch Party @BlueRider
The Fugitive (Our Weekend Pizza) @PrairieSkyBreads
Truck Stop Soups (Weekly Features) @SchatzCrossroads
Sourdough Tomato & Chicken Cordon Blue (Just some of our features) @PrairieSkyBreads
Sourdough Tomato & Chicken Cordon Blue (Just some of our features)