One of the long-running animated show’s iconic voice actors, Harry Shearer, has confirmed that he will not be rejoining the cast for seasons 27 and 28. The 71-year old actor released the news over Twitter on Wednesday. Mr. Shearer voices several loved characters on the show including Montgomery Burns, Ned Flanders, Principal Skinner, the bus driver Otto, Waylon Smithers, Dr. Hibbert, Kent Brockman, and many others.
from James L. Brooks' lawyer: "show will go on, Harry will not be part of it, wish him the best.". (1/2)
— Harry Shearer (@theharryshearer) May 14, 2015
This because I wanted what we've always had: the freedom to do other work.
Of course, I wish him the very best. (2/2)— Harry Shearer (@theharryshearer) May 14, 2015