State Board of Higher Education Meeting Report

The following meeting report was released by the ND State Board of Higher Education.

The N.D. State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) voted unanimously during its Dec. 5, 2024, meeting to require online educational providers that have no physical presence in the State of North Dakota to belong to an educational compact that has approval to deliver programs and courses in North Dakota. This move reduces the administrative overhead required to evaluate individual provider requests. Additionally, belonging to a compact would require the providers to meet the same standards as North Dakota’s institutions.

Following approval, North Dakota University System (NDUS) Office staff will work with legal counsel to develop edits to North Dakota Century Code to codify the authorization.

The SBHE spent time considering Lake Region State College President Doug Darling’s request for early retirement. The Board accepted the early retirement agreement and Darling will officially step down on June 30, 2025.

“We congratulate you for all you’ve done,” said SBHE Chair Tim Mihalick. “But we’ve got a couple months yet to have that discussion, so thank you.”

In a news release issued by Lake Region State College, Darling said, “This was not an easy decision for me. I love everything about Lake Region State College, especially its faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends. All of us do great work together. I couldn’t have dreamed 36 years ago that I would have the honor of leading such a great team at a wonderful institution that continues to change students’ lives every day.”

Earlier during the Board meeting, NDUS Chancellor Mark Hagerott presented presidential evaluations for three institution presidents, including Darling. Hagerott praised Darling for his significant achievements in increasing endowment, enrollment and program development.

North Dakota State College of Science President Rod Flanigan and Williston State College President Birnell Hirning also received evaluations form the chancellor. Both were lauded for their leadership and continued successes.

The Board requested that the Budget and Finance Committee reexamine a presidential compensation study and present recommendations at the January SBHE meeting to ensure NDUS presidents’ salaries are aligned with market compensation.

The Board also approved modifications to NDUS retirement plans and reappointed Ty Orton as acting president at Dickinson State University until the January SBHE meeting.

Committee Reports

Member Curtis Biller reported for the Academic and Student Affairs Committee (ASAC). The group discussed dual credit and also sent out a request for information to the institutions regarding their mission and vision statements. The group also inquired about potential reduced credit programs and what would be required to initiate those programs.

For the Audit Committee, Member Jeffry Volk said the group reviewed and approved an internal audit plan amendment. They also heard from the State Auditor’s Office regarding institution annual and biannual audits.

Vice Chair Danita Bye reported for the Governance Committee, mentioning that a special SBHE meeting will be held Dec. 10 to discuss tenure policies. The group is also reviewing the SBHE Strategic Plan and currently is reviewing the plan’s first objective of optimizing student affordability while maintaining campus financial health.

Member Maxwell Eriksrud reported for the North Dakota Student Association. During its last meeting, the group passed resolutions in support of multicultural engagement programming and dual credit. They also discussed legislative priorities for the next biennium.

Faculty Advisor Lisa Montplaisir, Ph.D., reported for the Council of College Faculties and said much of the discussion centered on artificial intelligence and the NDUS Monthly AI Forum. Faculty members were encouraged to attend these events and to get involved.

For the Staff Senate, Member Michael Linell said the group focused on encouraging staff to take the state’s “Total Rewards” survey. They also heard from their Professional Development Committee about potential ways to create systemwide professional development opportunities.

The Board heard first readings for policies 469 (College Credit in High School), 805.1 (Tuition), 350.2 (Workforce Training Boards) and 406 (Academic Calendars). Second readings of Policies 310.1 (Board Member Responsibilities), 1208.1 (Emerging Technology) and 462 (Instructional Material Access and Affordability) also were heard. All policies were approved.

No public comments were made.

The next SBHE meeting will be Jan. 6, 2025.

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