North Dakota farmers may soon be able to sell more raw milk products directly to consumers. The Senate unanimously passed a bill allowing the sale of raw milk butter and cream, provided they are labeled and sold without a middleman. A small amendment requiring clear labeling means the bill heads back to the House, where it previously passed with overwhelming support. With no opposition in the Senate, the expansion seems poised to become law—offering consumers more choices while keeping regulations minimal.
HB 1131
A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 4.1-25-40.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the sale of raw milk products; and to provide a penalty.
House Sponsors: Holle (R, District 31), Conmy (D, District 11), Fisher (R, District 5), Hauck (R, District 36), Hendrix (R, District 10), J. Olson (R, District 26), Toman (R, District 34), VanWinkle (R, District 3),
Senate Sponsors: Myrdal (R, District 19), Schaible (R, District 31), Van Oosting (R, District 36), Weston (R, District 15),