Rural town tries innovative solution to child care crisis

If there’s no one to look after the kids, then there’s no one to look after the business. It’s a common story in communities across the country and Minot is no exception. It matters because a lack of child care is a significant choke point on economic development because if businesses can’t find the people they need, they can’t operate.

In one Minnesota small town, the closure of a daycare would have meant the loss of seven families, they decided to do something no one else has yet done. They passed a sales tax, and they’re using it to build a new daycare center. Get the full story from MPR.


This article was sourced from:

Dan Gunderson, MPR

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Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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