Public art brightens up flood protection in New York

Have you noticed Minot has a flood protection project going up? Have you noticed that it includes long stretches of tall, imposing, concrete walls? Our engineers have done their best to design a wall with a nice aesthetic, but we’re also going to be looking at this thing for the rest of our lives. Then our kids and their kids will look at it for the rest of their lives. Is there anything that can or should be done to improve the aesthetic or meet any other goal?

In New York, one Brooklyn community has used its temporary flood protection measures as a canvas for public art. Is this an idea that should be copied in Minot? It seems now is the time to be asking this question. Check out

The featured image for this story was sourced from an article by Brian Abate on the Star Review, a community news source in Brooklyn, NY.

This article was sourced from:

Brian Abate, Star Review

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Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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