Minot Rising: This is Job Creation Part II

Have you noticed Minot rising? The signs are difficult to see; they don’t reveal themselves on the day-to-day scale, but if you step back and take a wider look, they emerge from the minutia. Scroll below to see what I’m seeing. Each investment represents jobs. Each investment represents risk. Each investment represents confidence in Minot’s future.

Remember Prairie Sky Breads? They were the topic of an earlier ‘This is job creation‘ post. They’re at it again.

And it looks like you’ll want to put an extra 10 minutes in your morning commute. Bearscat Donuts is weeks away from opening a North Minot location.

Noticing the smell of hotdogs in downtown? That’s not your imagination; Fun on a Bun is more than willing to smoother one in onions for you.

Or maybe you’re more in the mood for desert? Chase down The Scoop or The Shack. They’re different takes on cold and delicious.

At the end of the day, maybe you’re looking for a place to relax with a beer? There are more and more places to enjoy one outdoors, and the news of a Minot landmark picking up a new flavor is starting to spread; Atypical Brewery & Barrelworks is on the way.


Are those signs not significant enough for you? Maybe take a look at what’s in the works by the Aksal Group. Reveal the transformation by grabbing the slider and pulling it to the right.

When you add them up, it’s easy to be optimistic.

Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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