Each City Council meeting the Mayor and City Manager provide the council with an update on their activities over the previous month. The reports for March follow below in various formats.
City Manager Report
Below is a slide show that that accompanied City Manager Staab’s presentation.
Welcome to New Employees!
Ann Thorvik will take on the role as the interim Airport manager following the resignation of Andy Solvig. The search process for a permanent Airport Director will take 3-4 months. And the City also welcomes Carter Thompson, New Senior Planner.
The New Airport Terminal
The transition to the new airport took place overnight between February 28 and February 29. The transition went smoothly. Watch the video below to check out the transition.
Disaster Resilience
All projects in Minot’s Disaster Resilience Competition Application were funded, but to what level remains uncertain. One of the first priorities will be a Family Homeless Shelter.
Parking Ramps.
Parking equipment in place being tested in the Renaissance Ramp. Pay-for-parking is expected to start March 14. The Central Ramp is 5-weeks away from completion of major concrete work. Early May is the expected completion date.
Western Ave/6th Street Underpass
Progress is being made. Western Avenue will be open no later than March 15th.
Water Treatment Plant
Work continues on the first project related to Minot’s long-term flood protection.
Downtown Infrastructure
The second half of the project has been put out to bid; those bids will be opened March 17. Work is expected to get underway in May.
Airport Terminal Transition