Do you know the difference between a street, a road, and a stroad? Hint: it’s the reason your taxes are high

Do you know the difference between a street and a road? A street is a part of an ecosystem for building community wealth and prosperity. A road connection between places. A stroad is a mash-up of the two ideas that fails in both areas. This idea — the differences between streets and roads, comes from Chuck Marohn. He is the Executive Director of StrongTowns, a Minnesota-based nonprofit focused on helping communities understand the differences between places that thrive and places that are underachieving.

The video below provides a great introduction to the difference, and it’s a topic we need to understand in Minot. Especially before we step forward with a $70 million investment in a SW Bypass.

And if you want more from Strong Towns, the article linked below is a good place to start.

Curio : A new type of content. It's not "news" and it's not "commentary," it may not even be about Minot. But whatever it is, Minot may need it or you may enjoy it!

Strong Towns

This article was sourced from:

Charles Marohn, Strong Towns

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Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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