A deadly disease is creeping deeper into Wyoming’s elk feedgrounds, and wildlife experts fear it could soon spiral out of control. Chronic wasting disease (CWD) has now been detected at Black Butte, the third feedground to report cases this winter. With elk packed tightly together over months of feeding, biologists warn that the outbreak could rapidly escalate, threatening herd populations. While some steps are being taken to slow the spread, concerns are mounting that action may come too late to prevent lasting damage.
This story matters in North Dakota. Our legislature is currently in the process of judging Game and Fish regulations designed to slow the spread of CWD. Opponents say these regulations aren’t needed. The evidence from Wyoming suggests our Game and Fish biologists are on the right of the issue.
SB 2137
A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 20.1-05 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the use of supplemental feed for hunting.
House Sponsors: Koppelman (R, District 16), Novak (R, District 33), Tveit (R, District 33),
Senate Sponsors: Boehm (R, District 33), Patten (R, District 26), Thomas (R, District 6),