City Council Recap: March 7, 2016

The big item on Monday’s City Council meeting agenda was whether to allow a conditional use permit for a proposed methadone clinic on North Hill. The issue generated more than a half hour of emotional testimony in support of the clinic, much of it expressing a desperate need for this type of facility in Minot. No one spoke in opposition; the permit was approved unanimously. A quick breakdown of other business before City Council follows below.

City Council, March 7, 2016

Alderman Frey and Alderman Hatelid absent.

Approval of Bills:

Monthly bills can be viewed in the first four pages of the official minutes.

Public Hearings:

Several public hearings were held mostly related to flood-abandoned properties scheduled for demolition. View the report on those properties here.

Mayor City Manager Reports

The Mayor’s and City Manager’s reports can be viewed separately here.

Magic Fund Committee

Magic Fund Committee member Jason Zimmerman submitted to City Council the annual report of the MAGIC Fund Committee on behalf of Chairman Brent Mattson.The annual report can be viewed here.

Details from the MAGIC Fund Annual report of note:

  • The MAGIC Fund has ~$5.2 million available for future projects.
  • One business appears to be not-in-compliance with the conditions of their MAGIC Fund Development Agreement.

Planning Commission

Items regarding subdividing a lot on South Broadway, rezoning of a residential lot and land next the airport were passed on consent agenda.

A proposed opioid clinic was pulled for discussion. Community Medical Services requested a conditional use permit that would allow an operation of a methadone clinic at 300 30th Ave NW, Unit D.

Several citizens spoke in support of allowing the clinic to operate and the need for this service in Minot. No one spoke in opposition to the clinic. City Council approved the permit unanimously, which will allow the clinic to begin operation as an outpatient clinic providing treatment to patients with opioid and narcotic addictions.

Details on the Planning Commission’s recommendations are best learned by viewing the Commission’s agenda. View it here. The official minutes are located here.

Finance & Improvements

All items in the report and recommendations of the Finance & Improvements committee were passed on consent agenda. They included numerous accounting approvals and transfers as well as approvals allowing several construction projects to move forward including: Call for bids on downtown infrastructure, mill and overlay of South Broadway from the city limits to 20th Ave SW, agreements with the NDDOT required for Burdick Expressway East reconstruction, and others.

Details on the Finance Committee’s recommendations are best learned by viewing the Committee’s agenda. View it here. The official minutes are located here.

Public Works & Safety

All items in the report and recommendations of the Public Works & Safety Committee were passed on consent agenda. Details on the Finance Committee’s recommendations are easiest learned by viewing the Committee’s agenda.View it here. View the official minutes here.

Approvals of Note: Replacement of the Oak Park bridge ($1.6 million), 37th Ave SW Reconstruction ($6.6 million), 36th Ave NW extension to Broadway($3.6 million), several street and sidewalk projects, Cost share and design of the NAWS water treatment facility in Max(City’s share-$1.75 million), and several equipment and vehicle purchases (total: ~$500k).

Curbside Recycling in Minot? At the Public Works Committee meeting prior to City Council, a presentation was given on the feasibility of a curbside recycling program in Minot. It was recommended the Mayor create an ad hoc committee to study the issue.

Airport Committee

All items in the report and recommendations of the Airport committee were passed on consent agenda. That business included renewing and/or approving various operating agreements for the Airport. Final construction updates on the new terminal were also provided.

Of note: though not a part of the Committee’s agenda; the most significant news of the Airport this week was the resignation of Airport Director Andy Solvig. Ann Thorvik has been named Interim Director while a search takes place to fill the role permanently.

Details on the Airport Committee’s recommendations are easiest learned by viewing the Committee’s agenda. View it here. View the official minutes here.

Liquor & Gambling Committee

All items in the report and recommendations of the Liquor & Gambling Committee were passed on consent agenda. Then included extending a gaming site at the Grand Hotel, issuing a new Specialty Beer license to the north hill Qdoba, and administrative approvals for raffles and special event alcohol permits.

The Liquor & Gambling Committee’s recommendations are easiest learned by viewing the Committee’s agenda. View it here. View the official minutes here.

Renaissance Committee

City Council approved a 5-year property tax exemption for the property on the SW corner of Burdick and Broadway (formerly Zimmerman’s Furniture). In other business before the Renaissance Committee, an offer pending on the Oak Park Shopping Center has city staff investigating whether that area can be declared part of the Renaissance Zone and possibly become eligible for property tax and business income tax exemptions.

Read the report of the Renaissance Committee here.

Canvassing Board

The Canvasing board meets following elections to certify results. City Council made the official declaration of the March 1st Home Rule Charter election results.

Other Business

  • An ordinance was passed on first reading related to procedures for changing our form of government. This ordinance was the result of new authorities granted in the March 1st special election. View it here.
  • Special Meeting, March 14, 2016 for the purposes of passing on second reading the ordinances related to changing the form of government and putting the question of changing the form of government on the June 14, 2016 ballot.
  • Board of Equalization will meet April 12, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council chambers.

Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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