For North Dakota’s medical cannabis patients, a new debate is unfolding at the Capitol—one that could bring edibles into the mix. Representative Steve Vetter’s bill, which cleared the House with strong support, argues that edibles offer a safer, longer-lasting alternative to smoking. But with a similar Senate bill proposing stricter dosage limits, lawmakers are weighing how best to regulate potency while ensuring patient access. As legislators compare both measures, the discussion reflects a broader shift in how medical cannabis is treated in the state.
HB 1203
A BILL for an Act to create and enact section 19-24.1-24.1 and a new subsection to section 19-24.1-36 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to regulating edible medical marijuana products; and to amend and reenact section 19-24.1-01 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to definitions of medical marijuana products.
House Sponsors: Vetter (R, District 18), Bahl (R, District 17), Christianson (R, District 18), Christy (R, District 27), Dobervich (D, District 11), Frelich (R, District 15), M. Ruby (R, District 40), Steiner (R, District 37),
Senate Sponsors: Cory (R, District 42), Meyer (R, District 18),