This coming Tuesday is an election day across North Dakota. For state offices, this is a standard primary election whereby we narrow the field down to the final candidates who will appear on the November ballot. But for local races, this is it. This is your only chance to cast a vote for our City of Minot, Park Board, and School Board leaders.
This is your opportunity to get a feel for our School Board candidates.
— School Board —

Jim Rostad
Please provide a brief personal background and explain why you’re seeking office.
Natives of Carpio, ND, Verla and I have lived in Minot since 1973. We have two adult children, both graduates of Minot HS. I am seeking re-election to the school board because my leadership at the local and state levels has impacted the District in many positive ways. I am guided in my decision-making by asking what is best for kids.
Write briefly about three priorities you have for Minot Public Schools and the School Board.
- Opening of John Hoeven Elementary and other building additions / remodeling
- Solving the inevitable over-crowding in our middle schools and subsequently, high schools.
- Exploring and experimenting alternative learning environments and instructional methods.
Do you see school construction in Minot’s future? If so, where do we need to prioritize our resources?
A 60% super-majority is needed to pass a bond issue for school buildings, and at this time I am not optimistic that is possible. A more affordable option would be to convert Central Campus to a third middle school, build an addition to Magic City Campus to house a Freshman Academy and integrate sophomores into the existing building.
What can we do to do a better job of retaining our best and brightest young people so they begin contributing their energy, ideas, and perspective to Minot as a whole?
It is natural for young people to want to explore other places after high school graduation. To attract and retain young people in any community requires a variety of good jobs, affordable housing and child care as well as quality schools, diversity in leisure activities, and a willingness to hear and embrace their ideas for improvement.
Mark Lyman
Please provide a brief personal background and explain why you’re seeking office.
I am running for this office because I want to help shape what that the local education process does to develop our children into better residents and better people. I have lived in Minot for just over 13 years, and have been married to my wife, Katherine, for the last 12 years. We have two children who both attend Edison Elementary.
Write briefly about three priorities you have for Minot Public Schools and the School Board.
Some of my top priorities include ensuring that our current buildings are secure facilities for our students, teachers and staff; recognizing the amazing efforts of our students and faculty by sharing those stories more often; and exploring the potential need for additional middle and high school facilities to properly house students.
Do you see school construction in Minot’s future? If so, where do we need to prioritize our resources?
There could very well be a need for changes in the current facilities. I think that those conversations with the public need to start this fall. The public should help us answer some of the following questions … Do we build new middle/high school facilities? Do we renovate and add to existing ones? If not, how do we handle the influx.
What can we do to do a better job of retaining our best and brightest young people so they begin contributing their energy, ideas, and perspective to Minot as a whole?
I think improving the overall quality of life in Minot would make our community even more attractive to the best and brightest within the region. This could be everything from increased safety (the new jail), to better roads, to long-term permanent flood protection, to new museums, to new stores, to more people willing to serve others.
Mitch Kraft
Please provide a brief personal background and explain why you’re seeking office.
My two children are why I am currently seeking a position. I believe that the school board members should have children currently enrolled in our district. Members need to have a vested interest in what is currently happening with our school system. If it isn’t good enough for my children then it isn’t good enough for anyone’s children
Write briefly about three priorities you have for Minot Public Schools and the School Board.
We need to eliminate all of the portable classrooms. There will be eight of them at Jim Hill this fall, and there are still four more in the elementary school system. Minot isn’t going to stop growing and if our middle schools are over capacity then that means that Central and Magic City Campus need to be looked at for expansion as well
Do you see school construction in Minot’s future? If so, where do we need to prioritize our resources?
Yes, there will be.
Priority needs to be at Jim Hill, there will be eight portable classrooms there this fall. After that we will need to look at Erik Ramstad, it to will be close to capacity this fall. Magic City Campus opened in 1974, this year it had 460 seniors graduate. We currently have 705 first graders, you do the math.
What can we do to do a better job of retaining our best and brightest young people so they begin contributing their energy, ideas, and perspective to Minot as a whole?
Communication is key!
We need one source that encompasses all things in our community. There are so many different clubs, organizations, and opportunities that exist in town that many people are not aware of. We need to find a way to have all of them communicate at once source so that more people aware of whats available to them.
Roger Kluck
Please provide a brief personal background and explain why you’re seeking office.
Mr. Kluck has not yet participated in our online candidate forum.
Write briefly about three priorities you have for Minot Public Schools and the School Board.
Mr. Kluck has not yet particpated in our online candidate forum.
Do you see school construction in Minot’s future? If so, where do we need to prioritize our resources?
Mr. Kluck has not yet participated in our online candidate forum.
What can we do to do a better job of retaining our best and brightest young people so they begin contributing their energy, ideas, and perspective to Minot as a whole?
Mr. Kluck has not yet participated in our online candidate forum.