Minnesota county uses large-scale food waste composting to free up landfill space

Otter Tail County in Minnesota is taking a chunk out of what goes into its landfill by stopping food waste before it gets there. The County-wide program is focused on schools, healthcare facilities, and restaurants intentionally, as those are the largest producers of landfilled food. For families, the focus is on a backyard solution, home composting.

Get the full story on how Fergus Falls and other communities making the most out the landfill opportunities we may be missing from Inforum. It matters in Minot as we’re putting our resources into launching a recycling program.

Curio : A new type of content. It's not "news" and it's not "commentary," it may not even be about Minot. But whatever it is, Minot may need it or you may enjoy it!


This article was sourced from:

Robin Huebner, InForum

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Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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